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" Okay, so you guys go around the perimeter. " I said as the guards nodded and headed out the planning room. I sighed out as I layed back down on the red chair. I love yet hate being Alpha.

" Son. " my father said as he walked into the room.

Speak of the devil.

Shane my wolf said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. " Yeah dad? " I asked him as I looked at him with a raised brow.

" Your seventeen now! You should go out there and find your mate already! " he exclaimed as he pointed out the door.

I sighed out knowing that with this guy there's no way out of this. " Dad, just because I'm seventeen doesn't mean that I'm going to find my mate right away. Besides, you shouldn't be talking you found mom when you were twenty. " I said matter of factly making him growl.

" You...better....get your....ass up from that....stupid chair.....and GO SEARCH FOR YOUR GOD DAMN MATE!!!! " dad said through gritted teeth as he pointed at the door, with his knuckles turning white. I honestly was taken a back, I knew my dad can be a ass sometimes but he's never clenched his teeth like that, so that's not a good sign.

I did the only thing I wasn't afraid to do right now, I got up and headed out the door. Sadly he has a point, I really do need to find my mate, Shane is getting depressed. I mean if wolves don't find their mates won't they be depressed? If your asking no dad wasn't depressed since he's a cold hearted ass. But mom was depressed. At least she's not a cold hearted devil like him, how can she love him anyways? That question still remains a mystery to me.

" Hey man. " my beta Ryder said as hey passed me down the hall way.

" Hey dude. " I replied as we walked passed each other. But something caught my eyes, he had papers in his hand.

I wonder what those are for.

Shane said as I nodded agreeing with him. But no need to get into that, the important thing is to go find my mate, and get this thing over with.

I turned on my heel as I walked out the somewhat velvet colored door and into the front lawn, well more like forest and hoped in my 2014 Ferrari ( sorry don't know much about cars ), and drove off to Laden Lake Park.

~ 10 minutes later ~

When I finally got there I shut off the engine, and hoped out with sluts already looking at me. I have dirty blond hair and crystal blue eyes. I know , I sound like an ass but those whores better get the hell away from me or mind there own business. I smelled the air and smiled showing of my dimples, thank the heavens that none of them where my mate. But one particular scent trapped me. It smelled like Vanilla and Strawberries. I soon found my self following the scent and when I reached the source it was not what I was expecting.

Mate! Mate?

Shane said confused, as we both looked at a girl with brown wavy hair that stopped at mid back, with what looks like to have blue eyes, and looks like around the age of 14, with a girl next to her. The girl next to her had blond curly hair that ended a inch before mid back, and emerald green eyes. I looked at them confused, and shock written all over my face as I watched the two of them on the monkey bars playing...

That little girl is our mate?

I asked Shane as he nodded his head slightly confused since it was kind of impossible.

Which one?

I asked him.

Brown haired girl with blue eyes. The one with shorts and the school's spirit shirt tucked in the shorts and the black converse, wait is that our school's p.e shirt?!

Shane exclaimed as I nodded.

Wait, she goes to our school and we never noticed?!

I asked him as he nodded eagerly. Damn, I feel stupid now. I looked back at them and saw that my mate was hanging from the bars upside down, while her friend sat at the top talking to someone on the phone.


I was currently hanging upside down from the monkey bars, while my best friend April talked to her mom asking if she could come pick us up. '' Hey April? " I called out to her as I got off the monkey bars landing on my butt on the warm sand.

'' Yeah? " she asked as she hung up the phone and looked at me with a eye brow raised.

'' That guy over there, he keeps staring at me. '' I said as I looked at a guy with dirty blond hair and what looks like to have blue eyes, he looks like around the age of 17. I saw April from the corner of my eyes following my glance to look at who ever I was staring at.

'' Hey! I've seen him around school before. '' April exclaimed as I looked at her with a raised brow.

'' Really? I have never seen him before. '' I wasn't even lying i've literally never seen him before, I didn't even know he existed until just now.

'' Why's he looking at you shocked? " April asked me causing me to look at her and shrug as she hoped off the monkey bars. '' Let's go. '' when she said that I quickly nodded and stood up as I grabbed my water bottle with the half melted ice.

'' Yeah, i'm starting to get freaked out. '' and with that said and done she grabbed my hand and started yanking me behind her, I soon found my self turning back to look at the stranger, I don't know why but I feel like running to him and hugging him tightly. I know weird right. But that's how I feel and I can't help it, hopefully tomorrow I won't feel like this.


I saw as she and her friend walked away, hopefully i'll see her again tomorrow. I don't think Shane will be able to handle not seeing her again, now that we know who are mate is, it will be hard to detach our self's from her...I looked back at them and saw them in the distance about to get in to a car, I smiled at the sight of my mate and her friend as I turned on my heel and walked away with my hands tucked inside my pocket. I'll find you tomorrow...that's a promise.


Hey guys! So this was the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Anyways, what will happen next? Until next time! Don't forget to...






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