The dream

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A/N okay before you guys start reading many of you have told me to choose one main p.o.v and to not change it constantly because it's confusing. I understand perfectly so this is going to be Maya's p.o.v and I won't be changing it constantly thank you for telling me. A picture of Maya's house on top or side! Anyways on with the story!

I walked down a dark and frightening alley way, with my hands tucked inside my blue sweater. It was freezing outside I was wearing a simple white t-shirt with a pair of shorts the ended a little before mid-thigh, and with my favorite black and white converse. I had a light sky blue sweater on that was thin, I sighed out at the never ending alley way my breathe showing as I did so. I started hearing heavy foot steps behind me, but me being me just kept on walking ignoring them.

It's just your imagination playing tricks on you again.

I thought as I quickened up my pace, scared to turn back just in case it wasn't my imagination for all I know he can be a serial killer and I could be his next victim. I looked up and saw a man coming towards me his eyes red making me confused.

Are those contacts?

I thought once again looking at him with curiosity but even I know better than staying to chat with a random stranger in the middle of the night. The next thing I knew he was one foot away from me, even in this dim light I can see his smirk that was plastered on his face. I took a step back and hit a broad chest making me jump to the side were I saw two tall and strong figures standing looking at each other. The one that I bumped into started to growl very lowly, the other one just stood there liking his lips and tightening his fists into a tight fist. I just stared confused, I know I should be running and screaming for help but my feet were glued to the ground.

No matter how many attempts I try to move and get out of this alley way, nothing seemed to work. I just stared at the two, with fear, and curiously evident in my features. But because of the very poor lighting you couldn't notice. The next thing I knew the one that was growling had his shirt off, and his pants off leaving him only in his boxers. I gulped and looked at the other one who still had clothing on but he looked scary now. And is it possible to have two teeth sticking out of your lip? His eyes weren't just any red anymore they were glowing dark blood red. I soon herd a loud howl escape the other ones lips and soon I saw fur growing all over him, I also here cracking noises making me flinch, I blinked and then there stood a large wolf in his place, I fell backwards at the sudden change. What is that?!

The wolf started growling lowly and started circling the man with red eyes and long pointy teeth. I herd another howl echo through the alley way making me flinch backwards hitting the brick wall of the alley. I looked up and saw a short but well built man standing there growling, he jumped off and turned into a WOLF?! In mid air, I was honestly having mixed emotions here, first red eyes, fast speed doesn't that sound much like a vampire? Howling, growling, TURNING INTO a WOLF doesn't that sound much like being a werewolf to you? But that can't be possible they don't exist do they?! Of course not! Get a grip on yourself Maya, your starting to get crazy.

I think you need a psychologist here! I shook my head putting my recent thoughts aside and looked up the two giant wolfs surrounded the man with fangs, one of the wolfs licked his nose and attacked the man while the other wolf walked towards the man slowly showing off his pointy teeth and he licked his nose. I closed my eyes seeing twilight many many times knowing that they were going to rip his head off, I opened one eye right after the scream stopped and saw the mans head in front of me, I let out a ear piecing scream and kicked his head away. I instantly regret screaming because the two wolfs attention came to me, because of their little wolf heads turned towards me.

Am I going to die today?!

I thought as I saw one of them walk towards his cloths and turn back into human putting his jeans on quickly, the other just kept on walking towards me, I felt tingles go through me and goos ( sorry I don't know how to spell it. ) bumps. I just swallowed loudly and looked at them in fear, this is most probably not going to end pretty...the man got in front of the wolf and kneeled down in front of me smirking.

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