Chapter 6 - Ariadne Maciel

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"She's fine. We need to keep her hydrated and remove the ventilator, she can breathe on her own. Her reflexes are good as well." Your voice is barely audible as you check the little girl's condition.

Dr Kim's aura is immensely heavy, almost suffocating to you, making you take shallow breaths as your vision becomes shaky. You hold your breath, your lips thinning into a line as you grab the edge of the bed.

Slamming your eyes shut, you swallow slowly as you feel him approaching you from behind and placing his large hand on your waist. Your whole body jerks from his subtle touch as goosebumps form on your skin.

You feel your muscles tense in anticipation as your eyes snap open, frantically wandering around the room. Your skin feels as if it's burning on the spot where his hand is resting while it's squeezing you lightly.

Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you snap out of the fearful daze and roll back your shoulders, regaining your composure.

"Follow me." His warm breath fans over the nape of your neck, completely catching you off guard and causing another violent shiver to run through you.

You bring your trembling hand to your ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it and nod lightly, your throat not being able to produce a single sound.

You hear him hum mischievously behind you before he takes a step back, allowing you to release a shaky breath you didn't even realise you were holding.

That fucker. He knows exactly what he's doing, teasing you like this. It's as if he can feel your fear, even long for it, enjoying in every single second of it.

You can't explain this unusual effect he has on you, your mind telling you that there's something wicked with him while your soul, even though it's trembling with fear, wants to see what's hiding behind the mask.

No, you won't let him break you. You'll show him you're not yet another puppet waiting in line for him to play with as he pleases. Remembering your grandmother's words, you feel your breath stabilising.

If he's searching for a fight, well hell, he's going to get one.

With a newly found confidence, you proudly turn around and stare at him. Blinking with feigned innocence, you give him a bright smile and tilt your head to the side.

"Well? Where should I follow you?" You raise your eyebrows in expectation.

His expression darkens, his fine eyebrow rising subtly as his dreadful eyes scan you mercilessly. He looks like he's capable of killing you right then and there. Why doesn't he do it then if he's so annoyed by you?

It's not like you want to be in his presence either. "It's such a paradox, don't you agree? Having murderous intentions while working as a doctor. Why do I have such a weird feeling those intentions are somehow directed to me?"

Before you can reason with your right mind if saying that is absolutely necessary, it's simply too late. You've poked an already extremely furious bear with a giant stick, straight in its eye.

He stays silent, his fine features not showing a single reaction towards your bold statement. His cold glare stays focused on you as he cocks his head to the side and raises an eyebrow ever so slightly, gesturing you to the door.

You feel your blood run cold. He is more frightening than ever, being this silent and non-responsive.

His breathing is stable, his broad chest rising up and down behind his crossed arms. His sharp jaw is clenched painfully tight while his naturally full upper lip twitches slightly, being the only indicator that he's not a statue towering in front of you.

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