Chapter 12 - Both

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Ariadne's POV:

Taehyung lifts his eyebrow at you with a glint of deviltry in his eyes. "I can safely say that I have good karma." He teases you, observing your puzzled expression as he tilts his head to the side.

"And how is that possible?" Your cynical attitude only manages to make him laugh out loud.

What the hell is he talking about? He's carrying thousands of deaths on his shoulders, where's the good in that?

He shakes his head playfully before he places both of his hands on your thighs and leans in closer, letting his warm breath fan over your face. The atmosphere in the room changes in a blink of an eye.

Staring at his asymmetric eyes you notice his pupils dilating. "Because every action I took until now has led me to you." Your lips part at Taehyung's unexpected words, grabbing his attention immediately.

You observe his body reacting to you. His dark orbs illuminated by the dim light are fixated on your lips, his chest rising slowly as he's trying to calm down his breathing.

Him imagining how you taste causing his Adam's apple to move up and down as he swallows, obviously struggling to keep himself calm.

You feel his large hands gently moving on your thighs, his slim fingers applying slight pressure on your skin, causing a tingling feeling to appear in the pit of your stomach that spreads through your whole body like wildfire.

When his wanting gaze meets your own, you let out a shaky breath as the dark mystery in his eyes captivates your whole being. Not even noticing that you're running out of breath, you let your lungs get filled with his inviting scent.

His whole existence is begging for your touch.

Your hand nears his face, your eyes following the movement of your fingers as they come in contact with his forehead, brushing away the unruly locks of hair before they run over his arched brow.

They make their way down to his cheek before they trace the sharp line of his jaw, continuing down his neck to finally rest at the nape of it, gently pulling at the soft hair they stumble upon.

Taehyung closes his eyes, his mouth popping open as he leans his head further into your touch with a soft sigh escaping his throat. You anchor your attention on his inviting lips before closing your eyes and letting your body do what it desires the most.

His taste is dangerous, warning you, making you tremble as he inhales a sharp breath when he realises what you're doing. He doesn't take long to respond, pressing his soft lips harder against your own as his hand finds its way to your waist.

You hate it. You hate the fact that he fits perfectly against you, that his lips are able to fulfil your being as a whole, that his touch ignites a fire in you so powerful you wonder if your shattered mind can endure it all.

You hate the fact that you're willing to disregard all of his wrongdoings just because he feels so welcoming, almost familiar.

Taehyung bites at your bottom lip, earning a soft moan from you as he pulls it into his mouth and sucks on it. He growls lowly when you tug at his hair, forcing you to lay on your back and letting his knees push your thighs apart.

You breathe in shakily, taking in the earthy smell of his skin mixed with his fresh cologne when he swipes his wanting tongue over your lips. Not wasting a single moment, you let his devilish mouth explore you further.

His tongue intertwines with yours sensually as if the two of you are going through the familiar steps of a fiery choreography you've already rehearsed countless of times before.

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