Peter Parker (Avengers)

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Dating Peter Parker would include...

- Going to the same school as him and being in most of his classes

- You live in your own apartment right across from Aunt May

- After school you guys always hang out with each other and either watch movies, play games, eat or sometimes study and do homework

- Having a key to his and Aunt Mays apartment

- Sneaking into their apartment to steal his hoodies

- Having a 'secret' collection of his hoodies that you wear to school, to bed and to relax

- Never wanting him to leave your side

- Holding hand in the school hallway

- Leaning on him when you are walking with him

- Whining when you have to leave him to go to class or your separate ways

- Helping him after he gets hurts after getting into a fight

- Always snuggling

- Soo much PDA

- Freaking out when you met the Avengers for the first time, now you guys are just chill around each other and are really great friends

- Him always being so careful around you

- Sometimes he starts crying when you start crying

- You guys are just so comfortable around each other

- You take his hoodies and science shirts because they are so big and comfy, they also smell like him

- You guys always sit together, in every class you both have and during lunch

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