15- A Galancy Past 2

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"Entry 57"         "Inside of me"
It's been two months since I became a creepypasta. I don't know why I agree to became one. I hated killing but sometimes I love it. I don't know why.

When I was young my parents always told me that I will be always be kind. Gently. And brave. They saw something inside me that I didn't see it. People sometimes are confusing you know? They sometimes are kind, sweet, gentle, friendly, lovable, and more positive things. Sometimes they kill, murder, hard, insane, rude, bully and negative thoughts. Earthlings are weird creature but that what reminded me of back home. They are fun to be with., they tell jokes, having fun, emotions. They are what makes them earthlings.

When I was young, after I watch the tape. After I got my memories back I soon realize that I can't go to sleep. Once I go to sleep my innerself , my dark self are out. It cause distraction everywhere. The moment I started to realize it gaves me to loss confidence in myself. I loss myself. I started to see the negative in this world. I can go to sleep once a month and nothing more. When I did I always stay open the light of the room to decrease my dark side to control me.

I found out from a memory that my people have them. We don't sleep and if we did, we always have someone to stop us. Our planet don't always touch any lights. If it does it only lasted for a few month but mostly darkness. Sometimes I always forget to switch on the lights when I feel asleep. Making more distraction while I was asleep leaving me wearing something different and blood all over me.

No one, even Boss didn't know this. I keep it as a secret. That is why it hurts. They trusted me but I don't trust them. That is what it makes me feel broken."

She finish it and close the book. Putting it inside the drawer and lock it. She put the keys into her pocket and lay in bed. The feeling lonely, broken, scared and hurt starting to show. She clutch onto her chest feeling it go tightly making it harder for her to breath. She close her eyes only to see all the worst memories she have. Opening them again making her feel mad. Before she go out of hand she lock her door. She walk towards the switch to turn on the lights but it was to late when she feel unconscious.

Another news came as another house was burned followed by people getting killed. The CCTV camera was distorted before they see any culprint. Slender went on a meeting where he will limit their kills. Some understood some don't. Willow love the idea but she knew she was the one who did the burning a killing yesterday night. She was afraid once she loss it again. Even if she just slept for 5 mins her inner will came out.

At last. It was the day she will go back home. She was waiting this day ever since. She just waiting for a shuttle to go near at her location. At the time while she was waiting she started to feel guilt. Yes she was happy to get back home but it means leaving her news friends and Slender all back on Earth. Without no one who she really was. She told a bit of her past to the Creepypasta where she was a child and skip the part about her whole mission and innerself. It need it to be that way. It's the way for the mission to be accomplish.

Slender notice her expression and sited next to her outside. "You ok?" Slender ask worried. "Yeah. Just.. nothing." She look through the floor with her mind blank don't wanting Slender to found out anything in her mind. "Hun." She called. "Yes?" "If I leave you and the creepypasta will you be happy or the opposite way?" Slender hug her and make her to look up to him. "We will miss you. You were like a mother to them. You are my love. We don't want you to leave. We love you." "What if I needed to." "It depends on why you need to leave." Willow look at Slender before smiling. "Ok." Slender smiled and hug her. He broke the hug moments later. "Why you ask? Are you leaving?" Willow expression change. "Y-yes. I know I haven't ask you this but do you let me go?" "What?" "I mean. Do you let me leave where I can go to be happy?" "Anything to make you happy. Of course. Where's this place where you are going. Better sure that you'll came back."

'Yeah. Coming back. Hehe... I won't came back. If you only knew.' She was thinking of she needed him to know. "Slendy I am going somewhere far from here. Where there will be light but often darkness. Where I will see them again for years I've been waiting. Somewhere where I was belong" "That sounds... great and wonderful. But what do you mean where you belong? You belong to us." Willow sigh and stand up. "Slendy, love... I'm going back." She said holding back the tears and try not to choke. "Back...where?" "Home. I am going back home Slendy! Where my species came from. Where I was born. Where I am belong! Where someone is waiting for me there. Where Mark is waiting for me to go back! You need to understand Slendy. You have to." "You have someone than me? Your rejecting me!" "You don't understand do you? I need to get back. I made a promise to go back-" She was cut of when Slender put his one trendril covering her mouth. "I herd enough! If your going back to you so called 'home' and where you will see this person named Mark I won't obey you on your decision!"

Willow was trying to get off his grip but couldn't. So can't hurt the one she loved. "You're going no where but inside the mansion and nowhere else!" She yunk away the trendril and spoke. "Listen to me! I need to get back. I have only one chance on going back! Where I see-" "I said shut up!!!" Slender yelled in a angry tone. He grab Willow and teleport inside there room. He drop Willow on the bed and he stand in front. "Haven't I'm good enough for you?!" "Hun..no. Of course you are enough for me. I just wanted to go back. I promise to go back here again but-" "Shut your mouth! You're not going back 'home' cause this is your home. It's where your friends and I live! Where you will feel love everyday. Where you are being protected and keeping you safe." "Lo-ove" "Don't call me anything that are couples related until you learn what you said!" He then disappear.

It broke Willow's heart once again. It broke into a million pieces than before. Her world drop into darkness. She was struggling to catch up the the light. She feel into a hole full of darkness with all her bad memories. She started crying. Slender didn't like what he did but he knew it was for the best. It hurt him seeing Willow, the love of her life be hurt. Crying. Traped. If only he understand. If only Willow didn't kept any secrets. None of this will happened.

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