Y/N AND THEODORE were at the airport.
it was 8:00AM, and the lady at the front desk said that the seattle flight would arrive at 8:15AM. y/n was anxious as hell for her boyfriend and theodore could see it.
"y/n, calm down," the boy with glasses said. "it's only fifteen minutes, that goes by quick."
"yes, i know that theogay, but i just... i'm in disbelief." y/n responded, her hands shaking, but theodore rolling to the 'theogay' comment.
"why are you in disbelief?" theo asked.
"summer really passed by our eyes, and all i have been doing was waiting for boris." y/n said, as theo nodded.
"i know, y/n, i know how much you're anxious to see him. i am too, but let's not think about summer and all the time that was wasted. it was for a valuable reason, right?" the boy reassured.
"right." y/n said, smiling at her best friend.
the two waited for boris and played games on their phones while they were doing so. theo playing tic tac toe with y/n after they got bored for a few minutes.
the clock struck 8:15AM.
the intercom went off saying, flight 73 from seattle now landing.
y/n's head jerked up and theo chuckled at her sudden reaction.
"okay, calm down, deer in headlights!" theodore laughed. y/n scoffed, and just chuckled with him. "shut it, potter."
as y/n and theodore waited, boris was on the plane, more excited than ever.
the plane touched the ground. it landed.
boris had been waiting for this all summer- and now he's finally getting it.
people started getting off once it was secure, and the boy grabbed his suitcase over his head along with the things he got his girlfriend-- who was anxiously waiting for him.
boris got off, walking into the hallway people go into when they arrive somewhere or when they're about to go.
as he felt the excitement itching his hands, y/n felt the same way.
he walked out and saw so many people at the same time. it felt like stress slapped him in the face but the more he walked, the more he knew.
he walked towards where y/n had explained the place of where she was.
and he found her.
y/n and theo stood there in shock as y/n could feel herself about to cry.
a moment that was waited for, for the longest time, was finally happening and y/n just sprinted over to him.
boris had dropped his suitcase with the stuff he got for y/n inside of it, and held her in the tighest hug he's ever given anyone.
y/n and boris. reunited.
theodore went to them and joined in the hug, making it a group hug and after y/n let go, boris went to theo to give him a hug.
he deserved one.
"holy shit." boris muttered as y/n let out a chuckle and hugged him again as he held her.
"holy shit indeed." y/n replied.
"baby, i'm back," boris whispered to y/n as she smiled and he did too. "i'm backk!"
"you are, handsome!" y/n responded.
as the three all talk when reunited, they started to walk out of the airport and theodore had called an uber to help them get to y/n's.
they entered the car as boris did need help putting stuff in the trunk and y/n gladly helped him.
power couple, theodore thought.
they sat in the back as theo sat in the front with the man, who he knew from a store, and boris had pulled out a bag.
"what's that?" y/n asked.
"a bag," boris answered. "for you."
"for me? boris..." y/n said in disbelief.
he pulled out a bag with the stuff he got her at the seattle airport-roses, a small teddy bear, a birthday cake flavored bar, and a card- and gives it to her.
she whimpered and shook her head.
"i'm not used to gifts!" y/n responded. boris chuckled. she opened it and looked to him.
"happy birthday." the boy said.
hbd y/n <3

( ✓ ) Thru The Phone, Boris Pavlikovsky.
Fanfiction━ Y/n L/n and Boris Pavlikovsky deal with their relationship all whilst online and away from each other for eighty days. MESSAGE! hi, i wrote this when i was 14-15 and now i'm like, way older, lol so this is badly written but i'm not interested i...