More Than Friends

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"It's over"

"I do not love you anymore"

"You're a waste of space"

"I don't have time for you anymore"

"Your too much to handle"

"You're a spoiled brat"

These words kept replaying in your head repeatedly. You kept hearing them in your head repeatedly that you didn't notice yourself bumping into people, but you didn't care. Your boyfriend of a year and a half dumped you out of the blue. You guys had previously a fight about him not spending enough time with you and losing communication between you guys. When he didn't communicate with you all day, you snapped and confronted him and his excuse "I'm sorry" he wrote back "I'm sorry. It will not happen again. Please forgive me my love".

Next morning you wake up to two new messages from "The Love of Your Life <3" saying "we need to talk. Think you know where this going". "Think you know where this is going"-those words send out a stab to your heart imaging the worst. You call him to eliminate the doubts and the overthinking now clouding in your head now. He picks up.

"Hey, please you do not mean by what you texted. Please do not tell me you want to end it" you said frantically. You tried to hold back the tears now starting to form.

"It's over" he confessed. "I do not love you anymore"

"What?! How can you say that?! Like ok I get this weekend and three weeks ago when I snapped at you due to school pressure, but we have had fights before. I'm very happy with you." At this point, the tears started flowing and you felt like you were fighting for air.

"I don't have time for you anymore. I will be working nonstop which will leave me no time for you. Also, you are too much to handle. Like seriously you think you are perfect- on the contrary you are such a bitch! You are a spoiled brat" he blurted out.

Even after hanging up and blocking him from all your social media and his number, you felt like you were carrying knives. Knives of betrayal, lies, and manipulation. Walking to school and bumping into people, you did not notice you have misplaced your foot and tripped in the middle of the street, scraping your knee and twisting your ankle. You twisted it so bad you couldn't get up and then everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~Fast Forward Two Days Later~~~~~~~~~~

You slowly started opening your eyes but closed them back as you noticed a huge ray of light. Very slowly you opened them again and noticed the sound of beeping machines. You realized that you were in the hospital connected to all wires to IV and blood bags. Looking down you noticed a bush of hair. It was your longtime friend Hoseok. You quietly stroked his hair not wanting to wake him up. Once he noticed who hand it was stroking his hair, he awoke faster than Shazam can say Shazam and just looked at you.

"Thank goodness you're awake. You scared me half to death. Are you ok? What happened? When I got a call from Namjoon that you were run over by a car and taken to the hospital, I dropped everything and ran here not stopping. Y/N, my heart broke when I saw you all hooked up to blood bags and IV's. I kept praying that you be alright all night. Thank goodness my prayers were heard. Do you need anything?

"I need a friend and a bandage...for my broken heart"

"What do you mean...wait! Did that jerkward dumped you. Why didn't you call me? You know I'm always here for you. Did you...jump in the"

"NO!" you cut him knowing where he was heading "no I wasn't trying to kill myself. I just lost my balance because...I..." you could not continue and just broke down crying. You cried like you never cried before. You didn't hold back, and you couldn't. All Hoseok could do is hold you. He was careful in not unhooking you or moving you. He just crawled beside you and took you into his arms. He let you cry in him not caring if you shed tears all over his shirt. He just held onto you not saying a word.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as you calmed down, he kept holding on to you. He gave you his most prized possession: his oversized Mang plushie. You held on to it like it was your baby.

"Y/N...I have a confession to make. I know this is not the best time to tell you, but I must tell you. Y/N, I have loved you always and more than a friend. I tried to let those feelings go when I heard you were in a relationship and I saw how happy you were. But now seeing you like this, I......cannot bear to see you like this. Lemme be the one in charge of your heart. Of your happiness. Of your joy. Lemme be your ray of sunshine." He held onto your hands while confessing his heart out to you.


[To be continued...]

[[Pic is not mine. Just found it and thought it go with the story]]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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