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After hours of waiting, Sam came out of the operating room with the surgeon. As they entered the waiting room, they were met with a huge crowd which surprised the surgeon. Everyone was waiting. Kong's family, Arthit's family, and their friends. Kong had a lot of people who cared for him, and they were hoping for him to be alright.

Arthit was the first one up when he saw them. As the surgeon approached the family, they all tensed up as he walked towards them, they noticed the somber look on his face, as though he had bad news to tell them.

"How is he?" Arthit asked

He took a deep breath and told him with a smile that Kong was alright, which eased his worry a little.

The surgeon explained that Kong was stable and resting, he took out the bullet which luckily did not damage his internal organs, and he was given blood to replenish the one he lost, with fluids to keep him hydrated.

A collective "sigh" was heard throughout the room and the surgeon watched as their worried expression turned to that of relief.

However, the surgeon told them that Kong was still out, due to the trauma but he should wake up soon and that he was going to be tired and in pain once he does wake up.

"Can we see him?" Kong's mother asked

"Of course," the surgeon answered "just please be quiet and do not crowd the room" with that he excused himself as Dr. Sam led them to Kong's room.

Since they all could not be in the room at once, the others decided to go home after knowing Kong was going to be alright. Plus it was after midnight, they would be back in the morning to visit after getting some rest.

The only ones left were Arthit, his mom, and Kong's mom who were going to wait till he woke up before leaving. The moms let Arthit go in the room first to see Kong before they went in.

Once in the room, beeping could be heard from the machine next to the bed, with lines connected to Kong to monitor his vitals. He looked so peaceful laying there in bed, but it still hurt to see him like that.

Arthit had stopped crying, but looking at Kong, the tears started flowing again. He moved the chair closer to the bed and sat down, caressing Kong's face gently as he watched him sleep. He was really happy Kong survived, he could not bear the thought of losing him.

 Kong awoke not to long after, and from his surroundings he could tell he was at the hospital. He saw Arthit next to him, but did not like the sad expression on Arthit's face.

"Hey", Kong rasped, his voice still a little hoarse

"Hi," Arthit replied, more relieved now that he was awake

Kong watched as tears pooled in Arthit's eyes, dropping on him. He lifted his hand and wiped the tears away, "sorry, I made you worry". His memory was not affected, so he remembered what happened earlier.

Arthit shook his head, "I'm just glad that you are awake" he said kissing him

Kong moved a little and made room for Arthit who got into bed and laid next to him. Kong fell asleep again and Arthit watched him sleep a little while longer and made sure everything else was ok before relaxing and falling asleep next to him, his arms wrapped around Kong.

Both moms returned to the room after getting something to drink, and some for Arthit as well. But once in the room they found both boys sound asleep curled around each other. Feeling relieved and not to disturb them, they decided to go back home and get some sleep before coming back in the morning.

The next morning, the nurse came in to check on Kongpob, and was surprised to see Arthit there. He was already awake, watching Kong sleep. After checking his vitals, she left the room.

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