Chapter One

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Hello! Okay so first chapter is here. Please enjoy! The next chapter should be posted no later than Saturday Night. Okay, byeeeee.


Taehyung's POV:

I smiled as I walked through the old run down building. It might not be anyone's ideal place to stay but since my family is not well off, this is what was offered. I walked to the front desk and waited patiently to be assisted. As I waited in line, I looked around the building. I noticed a wall of small mailboxes to my right, against the same wall that the front desk was at. I looked to my left to see a hallway with more students coming through the doors, probably trying to unpack all of their belongings from their vehicles, taking either the stairs or elevator, whichever was unoccupied.

"Hellooo. I said next please..." I heard someone say. I looked forward and saw that I was next in line. I smiled apologetically and walked up to the front desk. She looked at me, almost annoyed, but smiled back at me.

"Last name?" She asked me, almost faltering at the end as she tried to suppress a yawn.

"Um.. its Kim. K.I.M. First Name Taehyung..." I said as I dug into my book-bag, I could've sworn I had goody bags that I made to give to the people here. I rummaged through my bag and I found a goody bag with tea, candy and different sweets. I smiled and pulled one out, handing it to the girl. She looked at me awkwardly and took it before whispering a small thank you, her cheeks slowly becoming a light shade of pink. I give her my boxy smile and take the keys that she gave me.

" Well Mr. Kim, this is your room key, one opens your door and also your closet, make sure to keep them locked at all times when you're not in the room. If anything gets stolen, that's on you. The other one is to open the bathroom if it is ever locked. And thank you again for the bag." she smiled before handing me a flyer as well, explaining all the activities that are coming up for the weekend. I smiled at her and took my things, walking towards the stairs. I get my ID and swipe in, working my way up to the third floor. I looked to my right and noticed girls moving in, smiling and waving at me. I smile and wave back, turning my focus to the left. I walked down the hallway looking for my room. I noticed the room number with my name and my best friend's name next to it. Yes, I did room with my best friend. I have a hard time making friends and I'm very awkward with others, especially where I'm gonna be sleeping and changing. I opened the door with my key and noticed the empty beds, undecorated walls, and plain floors. I smile and leave my bag on my lofted bed, then leaving my room to get my things from the moving truck.

----Time skip because moving in takes too long ----

As I finished putting away my suitcase in my closet I hear the door open. I turn around and see Jimin walking in smiling and screaming my name as he runs to me. I smile and laugh, bringing him into a hug, also screaming his name.

"When did you get here and why didn't you text me that you arrived?!?" He yelled at me, playfully hitting my shoulder as he releases me from our hug, going to his side of the room. He sets down his things and quickly starts unpacking.

"I told you I was going to get here before you, that's why I brought the microwave, fridge, and futon and you just brought your suitcases filled with clothes and knick-knacks." I smile at him and go to the futon, sitting down, facing him.

"I guess you're right. But I'm your best friend, you should've told me when you arrived so my stress levels are only caused by school and not taking care of you" he states, pointing his finger at me, almost like a mother. Even though we're only a couple of months apart, he never lets me forget that he's older, treating me like the little kid. I roll my eyes and get comfortable on the couch, grabbing Bruce, my bear that has a bunch of batman logos on it.

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