Chapter Four

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Jin's POV:


I smile at him and grab my things before heading out with Kookie trailing behind me. He looked a little bit at ease as we steadily got closer to my apartment building. I looked behind me to see him still playing with the long sleeves of his hoodie. I swear, although he is the 'bad boy' of this school, he still acts like he's four.


Jungkook's POV:

I tried to distract myself with my long sleeves, not wanting to think of all those eyes on me. My anxiety seems to hold me like a child as I thought of all of them dying to ask questions on why I snapped at Taehyung and why probably Jin ran out of the apartment as if it was on fire. I heard someone call my name and I looked up to see that Jin was already half way down the block, giving me a look, telling me to hurry up. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as I run to catch up to him. He smiles at me, waiting until I was next to him before he walked towards the building. We stand outside of his apartment door and he looks at me with reassurance. I start feeling my heartbeat quicken and I start to back away from the door. Jin grabs onto my shoulder, making me flinch. I look at him as he smiles and nods. I try to relax my muscles as we entered into his apartment, the conversation in the living dying down to a whisper. I follow Jin into the kitchen, trying to avoid confrontation.

"Hyung, do you need any help in the kitchen?" I asked him as I took off my shoes, leaving them close to the front door. I stand at the corner of the entrance to the kitchen and see him taking out different types of vegetables and sauces from the fridge. He looks at me and thinks.

" I need you and Yoongi to cut the vegetables while I start cooking the rice and ramen. Do you think you can go get him?" He asked, looking concerned. I nod and take off my hoodie, trying to look less like a five year old and more like the Jungkook they know. I walked into the living room and noticed Namjoon and Yoongi talking about music while Tony and pink shortie were talking. The only one that looked up when I entered the room was him. I looked away from his eyes, and looked down to notice that my necklace was turning a light faded shade of pink.

"Uh... Yoongi, Jin hyung needs our help in the kitchen..." I said, trying to make it look like I wasn't crying my eyes out 20 minutes before I came here. He looked in my direction and then looked at the direction of the other guy.

" I'm a little busy but take Tae with you. He seems free and I'm pretty sure he's more than willing to be helpful in the kitchen." he says before turning back around, resuming his conversation with Namjoon. I looked at Tae, motioning him over to the kitchen while walking towards Jin as he called me over. I heard the pitter-patter of his feet quickly getting up and following fairly close behind me. We entered the kitchen and Jin turned around, almost surprised that I had brought Taehyung instead of Yoongi.

"Uhh... Yoongi was busy but we still needed extra hands so I brought Tae.." I explained, my voice faltering in the end. Jin nodded and gave us some counter space for us to do our designated tasks.

" Okay Kookie, since you look a lot stronger than us,and because I'm lazy, you're gonna be cutting the vegetables and putting them in a bowl filled with water so they can soak. TaeTae, I don't really know what your limitations are but can you make rice and ramen?" Jin asks, looking at Taehyung as I started cutting vegetables. I hear a hum in approval coming from Tae as he follows Jin to the stove, telling him the serving and basic ingredients to put.

"I'll start the meat so we can get through this hell of feeding a bunch of guys as quickly as possible" Jin hyung stated. With that we all went back to work. I continued cutting the carrots, now moving my way to the cucumbers.

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