Chapter Three

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Taehyung's POV:


"Tae... give Jungkook some time. He isn't very fond of the soulmate system thing that we have going on. He doesn't believe in it because of what happened to him" Jin said as he walked up to me with some tissues in his hand. Jimin was still trying to comfort me, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

I just got rejected. And by my own soulmate.


Jungkook's POV:

The last thing I remember was that guy crying, telling me that he was my soulmate before I walked out of Jin's apartment, well almost like ran out of his apartment. How can this guy, that I've never met before, think that I was his soulmate? Sure we have the same necklace but that doesn't mean anything, not to me. It shouldn't mean anything to him either.

I felt my palms sweating as I turned the corner and I walked faster to my apartment before anyone could see me. I soon felt a group of bodies almost hovering around me, asking me if I wanted to do anything with them but the fear was still there. What if he found me because I was popular in this school? Do I stand out too much in the crowd? I tried being polite by just walking faster, thinking that if I moved away from them faster then they would leave me alone. The plan didn't work as girls came up to me, trying to grab my arm, seemingly trying to comfort me. I noticed their hands all over my arms and chest, but I didn't notice them trying to get me to stop and talk to them. Their hands reminded me of that day, the violence, the pain, the tears making my skin crawl as I grew cold. I pried their hands off, and tried shoving them away from me, making one of them fall. The four girls gasped as they looked at their girlfriend on the floor. They gave me a disgusted look as they tried to help her up.

 I felt my lungs fill with water, quickly losing my breath. I choked on air and felt eyes on me as I fell to my knees. I looked up to see everyone looking at me shocked, as a new crowd started to form around me, murmuring to themselves. They looked at me as if I was a pathetic little,...bunny. The word rang through my head as I felt my eyes slowly becoming watery. I saw people coming closer to me, trying to help me off the ground, asking me if I was alright but I was so far gone that I just pushed through them and started running to my apartment. I stopped at a stoplight, wiping away the few tears that fell and I took out my phone. I texted Jin 'Seeing Grey' as our code word and started running faster to my apartment when the light turned green.

I panted as I made my way down the streets as I looked down at my necklace. It was completely grey. I pick up my pace as I see my apartment coming into view. I walk up to my door, out of breath as I fumbled with my pocket to get my keys out. I drop them in the process as my vision starts to blur with the few tears escaping my eyes. I take a deep breath to try and relax as I grab my keys and open the door, quickly running inside, slamming the door. The only thing I cared about was not having my father find me, so I ran to my room. I swing the door open and grab my comforter, bringing it with me as I tried to squeeze myself into the closet, trying my best to hide from my father. 

He wasn't there physically but his memory was enough to put me in a panic. Memories from my childhood flashed through my mind, as I choke on nothing, remembering my father's hands around my neck, tightening. I curl myself up in the blankets as I felt my chest grow heavy, almost as if someone was trying to squish me. I moved everything out of the way and finally putting myself in the closet. I try to cover my ears as I hear screams going through my head, quickly squeezing my eyes shut as they became watery once again. Please Jin... hurry.

Jin's POV:

After Jungkook left I tried comforting Taehyung, telling him to give Jungkook space because of his past. The guys looked at me confusingly but I ignored it and gave Tae more tissues. It wasn't my place to tell him about Jungkook's past but I knew what Jungkook said had affected Tae. I heard Namjoon calling me over. I looked over at him, seeing him with my phone in his hand. I asked him to repeat himself, since my mind was occupied with a man crying on my floor.

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