On Platform 9 3/4

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Harry James Potter: the wizard famous for his defeat of the Dark Lord.... was scared. Again. His second son, Albus Severus was on his way for his first day at Hogwarts, the magical school where Harry had spent majority of his childhood. He loved the place too much. Now his children were going to the same place and strangely, Harry was scared.
In his mind he wondered,"Is this how parents feel while sending their kids to Hogwarts? Was this how mum and dad would've....."
He stopped. He'd rather not think about his parents again.....it was never good for him to remorse over them......what had happened, had happened, and he had also taken his revenge for that.
"Don't worry Harry. Everything is going to be alright." Harry turned around. Ginny had arrived there. He smiled. Nothing made him as happy as Ginny. She was the one who understood him like no one else. She was the only one who would not be scared when he would rage and lash out at everyone during his days at Hogwarts.
"Of course,"she began, putting her hand on Harry's shoulder,"it is hard for you. I know Harry. But I think it will all be alright. Just look at James...."
James Sirius was their oldest son. If anyone could remind Harry of Fred Weasley, it was him. He was a troublemaker but was as much a good student at Hogwarts.
"I know Ginny. I am trying. Its hard for me - this parenting stuff. I never had parents."
Just then came a voice.
"Dad, James is doing it again!" That was Albus. Harry said,"Stop it James or you're going to scare him even before he gets to Hogwarts."
"Right Dad!" But he still carried on.
He started walking towards the train.
"Oh look,"said Ginny pointing in a direction,"there they are."
Just ahead of them were standing Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry's childhood best friends. Their kids Rose and Hugo were standing beside them with a grin on their face. Ginny scurried ahead and gave a hug to Hermione while Harry shook Ron's hand.
"Hey Ron. Long time isn't it", Harry said.
"Yeah it has been. By the way I passed that driving test. I've got to tell you , Muggles really have wierd names for the streets in London. Like Penny Lane. What's in the name - I don't know. Anyways, Hermione reckons that I used a confundus charm on the instructor", Ron said, looking pointedly at Hermione.
She looked like she would've hit Ron if there weren't so many people there. Scared, Ron moved a little behind Harry. Harry couldn't help but grin. The three sure had grown up, but they still quarreled just like the old times.
Hermione turned to speak to Ginny while James, Rose and Hugo played amongst each other. Slowly Ron whispered in Harry's ear, "Maybe I did confund that muggle..."
Harry grinned even wider.
He stood there for a few moments looking at the Hogwarts Express and remembering the first time he had got in here with the Weasleys. He was scared that time but not as much as he was now.
He was brought into reality by a tug on the arm. Ginny looked at him and motioned him to look behind. Harry did so and saw Albus looking at the ground standing apart from everyone else. Harry leaned down and Albus spoke almost instantly,"But what if I am in Slytherin?"
Harry looked deep in his eyes. "Albus Severus,"he said- almost declaring," you were named after two great headmasters of Hogwarts- both of them died for the wizarding world and both were really brave. You need to be strong son. If you believe me - I say that the houses don't matter. What matters is the person you are inside. And I knew a boy just like that. He was in Slytherin but inside he knew what he was doing was wrong and in the end he tried to do the right thing and that's what matters."
"But seriously. What if I am-"
" Then the Slytherin house would've gained a brilliant, talented wizard"
That brought a smile to Albus's face. He had the confidence he was lacking inside of him now and stood up firmly.
"One thing I should tell you though",Harry began," the Sorting Hat takes peoples' choices into account."
"Well....it did for me."
"That's.....that's brilliant!" His face lit up. And he smiled. Harry got up too and looked at Ginny who smiled at him too.
"Hey everyone!", James said while running towards them.
"Cool down James. Tell us what happened," urged Hugo.
"I just saw Teddy - Teddy Lupin - snogging Victoire- our Victoire."
"Well that's good isn't it?", began Ron,"I mean he really will be a part of the family now, won't he?"
Hermione wasn't holding back," Stop it Ron. What would Bill and Fluer say?"
"What could they say? I think they'd really be happy!", Said Ron.
"Shut it you two, people are staring!", Said Ginny. People indeed were. Everyone was looking at them. Harry even spotted Draco Malfoy in the crowd who gave a slight nod at him while he nodded back.
"Why do they always stare?" , Asked Rose irritated.
"It's me", said Ron," I am very famous."
"Well people always stare when you three are together. What with you three being the golden trio", said Ginny.
Just then the Hogwarts whistle sounded. It was time.
Hermione was tugging Rose's shirt and kissing her while saying, "Remember you have to focus on your academics. Don't you fall into any trouble now."
Ron snorted and said , " How can she? She is the daughter of The Know - It - All - Hermione Granger herself."
"Shut up Ron."
"I am just saying."
And there went the four- Albus,Rose,James and Hugo - followed by Victoire.
Harry and the others looked on. He knew it was the start of a new chapter. A new journey.
In Ginny's arms Lily Luna was waving at her brothers and sisters while Ginny stood with Harry.
Hermione was close to crying and Ron,jolly as ever was smiling.
Harry's hand went to his scar. He didn't know why....it just did. It hadn't hurt him for nineteen years now.
"You know it will be alright", said Ginny.
"I hope it will", said Harry.
"They'll be fine."
"I know they will."
And there was it. The start of a new story for the Potters and the Weasleys. For them, all was good.
For them all was well.

Author's note: Well this is my first chapter on Wattpad. Hope you like it. Leave suggestions when you comment on it. Next chapter will come soon. I will not be skipping out on the years at Hogwarts as the original book did. I will include all of them. All the years. Hope you enjoy. Next chapter will be up soon. Please comment what you thought about this chapter and vote.
Thank you.

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