Reincarnated with 5 wishes

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"Ugh, where am I?" asked Reed. 'The last thing I know is that a truck run over me. Is this the legendary "Truck-sama" that I have read in the novels? It must be him. Well, all I have to do now is to wait for a god or something to come to me.' He then let his memories flash before his eyes.

Reed Alphonse is a normal highschool student that is a die-hard otaku. His parents died in a car accident when he was 3 years old. His parents left him a lot of money so that he can live on in which he did. As he progress through life. he found his daily routine quite boring and tries to find salvation and he really did find it in the form of anime and manga. He was fascinated by the thrills and excitement given by anime and manga and often wishes to be a part of it. He also reads novels and reincarnation ones are his favourite. His favourite anime is Highschool DXD He liked it because of the beautiful ladies there and the excitement on fighting strong opponents. Have I told youl that he is also a martial arts champion? No, now you know it. Reed wanting to feel the thrills before he found anime, he learned martial arts and is a champion in national tornaments. Winning everytime in tornaments bored him and led him to be an otaku. It was one of the days when he was walking to school and is watching an episode of Highschool DXD season 4. When he was walking on a crossroad, a truck zooms over to him. Although nearby people warned him, he was in his own world and the last thing he knew is pain coursing through his body and own world and the last thing he knew is pain coursing through his body and slowly fainting to the unknown which leads him to where he is now.

Suddenly, a bright white light appeared infront of Reed blinding him for a second. When the light fades, a figure appears. The figure looks like and old and wise man wearing white robes and have white hair and beard. He then talks to Reed,

???: You must be Reed Alphonse, young one.

Reed: Yes, I am. May I ask who are you sir?

???: A polite one I see. I am the 'ONE ABOVE ALL' the creator of all universes. You may call me God in your standards.

Reed: I myself was expecting for one to come. It is just that it wouldn't be too fast or something.

God: You do know about this?

Reed: Of course I have, God-sama. I have been reading the novels all over and I really believe in reincarnation to another world with some wishes of course.

God: Since you know all about it and you are being calm about your death, I cut it short. Which world do you want to reincarnate and as whom you want to

reborn as Issei.

God: I can understand the world but why Issei? I have heard that he a super pervert.

Reed: That is the reason I want to be reborn as Issei. I don't like the fact how pervert is he and how he doesn't properly train. I want to be a different Issei unlike that fucking lecherous pervert.

God: Okay then. What are your wishes?

Reed: Umm, shouldn't there be a limited number of wishes?

God: No, none at all. You could even ask unlimited wishes from me. But I don't think you want that do you?

Reed: No, I don't need that. But I do have something that I want.

God: What will you wish for then?

Reed: I wish to have instant mastery on anything and everything, instant comprehension on anything and everything, an AI system in which I can buy anything and everything with unlimited shop points and have 'Gates of Babylon' and 'Unlimited Blade works' and combine them into one.

God: Granted. Now about your last wish. I will make it so that you can have all weapons from anime and novels. Would that suffice?

Reed: Yes, it would. Thank you very much for this God-sama.

God: Not a problem, young one. Now go and have fun. Oh, one more thing. You can also go to other worlds. I know what you were thinking and I will give you my own exclusive chess pieces.

Reed: Thank you very much. I be leaving then,

God: I also bid you farewell, young one.

And then a bright light covered Reed and he disappeared. When he regained his consciousness, he found himself in some sort of dark place with liquids around him. He thought,'I must be in my mother's womb.' Wanting to know if his system is there, he asked:

Reed: System, are you there?

System: Ding! Scanning host's soul...

System: Ding! Host found. Binding to host's soul and activating system interface...

System: 10%... 20%... 35%... 59%... 72%.... 99%... 100%...

System: Hello host, I am the system created by the Creator to help you on your way to supremecy. I hope we can work together.

Reed: Likewise system. Can I change your name and can you stop the Ding?

System: Affirmitive. What would you call me as?

Reed: I will call you Jake.

Jake: Affirmitive. System now designating himself as Jake. Host, you have a starter pack given by the Creator.

Reed: Oh, is that so? Open it then.

Jake: Opening starter pack... done. The starter pack contains,

1. EX weapon summoning ticket

2. Great Red bloodline (Primordial Grade)

3. Orphis bloodline (Primordial Grade)

4. Library of Heaven's Path

5. Bag of endless Senzu beans

Reed: Damn, that's too overpowered. About the bloodlines, can I integrate them now and won't the two of them notice it?

Jake: You don't have to worry. The Creator has made it so that none of them will sense your bloodline and yes, you can now integrate them. Would you like to integrate them?

Reed: Please do. And call me Issei from now on.

Jake: Affirmitive. Integrating bloodlines.....

Reed or now Issei feels a warm current flowing through him and he feels at ease as if the bloodlines are soothing him. This takes for about an hour before the integration is complete.

Jake: Bloodline Integration complete. Would you like to see your status Issei?

Issei: Please do.

Jake: Showing Status,

Name: Issei Hyodou (Reed Alphonse)

Age: - 8 months 3 weeks

Level: N/A

STR: 0

STR: 0

AGI: 0

DEF: 0

AGI: 0



ENG: UNLIMITED (A/N: ENG means energy in all kinds)


Shop Points: UNLIMITED

Skills: None

Issei: Well then, I should start learning to control my energy eh?

Learnt Skill Mana Manipulation LVL Max: Manipulate mana to your own needs.

Learnt Skill Meditation LVL Max: Helps controls ones emotions and increase control of your mana.

Issei: Quite handy if I have to say.

And so Issei tries many ways to manipulate his unlimited amount of energy and increase his control on it until he was born.

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