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11th October 2010

It was yet Monday when Seulgi went to the library by herself to do some extra studying as the next week was her final. Footsteps were slowly approaching her, ruining the tranquility of her mind before someone slammed on her desk. "Kang Seulgi. Right?" A boy with a bright smile happened to be across from her.

She flinched. 

"Do I know you by any chance? By the way, can't you realize you're being loud right now?"

The boy boldly settled himself on a seat without being concerned of others looking. "I'm sorry, but what are you doing right now?"

"Sitting here."


Seulgi quirked her eyebrows in question. What can be weirder than a completely stranger asking to sit across from you. "Hold up, I don't even know who you are nor seen you before. So please make things clear right now."

"You don't know me? For real?"

"Listen. If you're here to mess around with me right now, you can take yourself out the library right now or I'm getting out of here myself."

He chuckled at her words in incredulity. "How can you not know me. It's the legendary Lee Taeyong, and I'm here to not mess with nobody but to sit here."

He took out a thick book that seem to be a physics book out of his bag. "So you're a 9th grader?" Seulgi guessed by the cover of his book. "Seems to be like that." he focused on perusing the book."Lee Taeyong?" She read by his name tag.

"You're acting like a kid." She won't belie about the fact that even her nickname is 'kid', but for a moment she wants somebody to admire as an matured kid at least. Her assumption was maybe right regarding her kid-like behaviour that stands out at school.

"What do you mean?"

"You were so quite just now, you're all talking now when I came here. Thought it's a good idea to sit next to a window."

"No way. He even thinks like me." She mused of their common thoughts. Sitting next to a window has always been her first choice when coming to the library. Like the poem 'Shall I Compare to Summer'

By chance or natures, the heat keeps changing

Where the sun lies down.

It had been her favourite poem since. She couldn't hide her dowdiness either. Her both sides are sure a funky combination.

"Then, we'll keep it like this." Seulgi smiled in hidden.


"Do it properly. Turn you arm at 45 degrees."

More training in the weekend. The fact that the trainers knew the trainees would slack off during the weekends was a bummer. It was just an another tedious day. She had been devoting her 6 years to the company, but she soon realized none of the practices was the indication to her future debut. The practices were getting difficult each day. The moves, the tunes, it felt like the trainers were trying to neat off their skills into pointless perfection.

Seulgi somehow felt grateful but yet burdensome. The enervating heat between the trainees were getting competitive and everyone was getting greedy to get a chance at least. She finally got used to the gloomy look of the company and everything that started to become frivolous to her.

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