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"Hook me up with someone." Hyojong said while looking at his now empty cup of coffee. Hongseok from the other side of the small wooden table just blinked at him, he started rubbing his chin as if giving the impression that he was thinking.

"...a he or a she?" Hyojong scoffed at this, Now looking up at him. Hongseok knows damn well that he swings both ways so asking that question was dumb.

"Just anyone. Hook me up with the cutest person you know." Hongseok laughed at the last statement.

"Sorry but the cutest person I know is Jinho. He's taken. By me." Hongseok said pointing at himself, basically he's just proud to be Jinho's boyfriend. Hyojong just gaged at him.

"Uh- yeah sure, then the second cutest person you know. Oh and by the way, I need a job." He said blankly. Hongseok stared at him quietly, then he brightened up when he quickly thought of something.

"Oh, my boss is actually looking for new employees. And not to mention, I think he is your type!" Hyojong smiled, 'well isn't that just a combo' he nodded. Not only he can have a boyfriend, but he can have a job.

"Wait, so you work at a café right? You're the..."

"I'm the manager." Hyojong's mouth turned into an 'o'. Then he nodded his head again.

"Y'know, my boss would probably be a bit cranky at first since he's been single for who knows how long. But like, I really think that you guys are gonna work out."

Will they really tho?


The church's bell is ringing, petals were falling, making the place look extravagant. This was it, his wedding day. The church's doors had opened, and there stood his soon to be wife. She looked beautiful in her gown, her white dress made out of silk, covered with white crystal beads. It made her shine under the rays of light. She was walking elegantly towards the altar, Hui feels like he's gonna cry, but he held it in. His love was now in front of him, she... seems to be the same height as him. Weird, but he didn't mind. Listening to the priest's long sayings while looking at the covered face of his soon to be wife, oh how excited he was to see her beauty.

"Do you take this woman to be your loving wife."

"I do." Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, but at least it made his eyes all glossy.

"And do you take this man to be your loving husband."

"I do." Weird, her voice seems to be a bit... off. But Hui pushed the thought away, he's married! And it's time for the kiss.

"You may now kiss the bride." Hui slowly lifted the cloth, finally going to see the beautiful face of his wife...



Hui woke up with his eyes wide as the goddamn sun, he was sweating furiously. 'WTF' First of all, he's pretty sure that he's not gay. So seeing a man as his wife is just... it scared him.

Soon enough someone knocked on his office door. 'Oh yeah, I'm still at work' Hui fixed himself then signaled the person to come in. The door opened and it was Hongseok, but he has someone behind him. As soon as Hongseok walked in he can now see the person more clearly and Oh hell no. It's the guy from his dream.

"Hey hyung! I mean Hui. This is Hyojong, my friend. He was trying to find a job and I thought he could work here, he's a pretty good worker and I believe he's gonna do well! What do you think Hui?" Hui can't answer he was too shock.

"Hui?" Snapped out of his thoughts.  He rubbed his eyes and nodded.

"Yes uh... Hyojong right? It will be great to have you here, um- Hongseok, show him around and teach him the basics ok?" Hui said it all too quickly, but it seemed like neither of the boys give a damn. Hongseok just nodded while pushing Hyojong out of the door, not even giving him a chance to talk. He made one last look at Hui before they were out of his office, then closing the door.

This was weird, he looked exactly like his wife, well fake wife actually. And it's not a wife if it's a guy so it's got to be a husband. Messy ramen looking hair, pale with brownish green eyes. God, what a weird day it is today.


WoOoW im back. This is going to be a short story so like, no biggie. Your guys thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading~💜

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