Chapter 01

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"He's cute, I like him." Hyojong blurted out. Hongseok squinted his eyes on him.

"Um- already?" Hyojong nodded. Hongseok just shrugged it off and pulled Hyojong to the lockers. Opening it, inside was a grey polo, a green apron and a green cap.

"You need to wear these, after that I'll show you around." Hongseok chirped before he left Hyojong to change. If he wasn't mistaken, the person, named Hui as to what Hongseok told him, stared at him the whole time while Hongseok was trying to introduce him. 'well well well, looks like he already has the hots for me' (note: he is assuming) Not only that, he even stuttered while talking, he found it very cute.

Finally out of the locker room wearing his supposedly uniform, he turned to Hongseok with a grin.

"So, question. He's gay right?" He was expecting to get an answer like 'hell yeah he's super gay!' but nope that's not what he gets. Hongseok was just staring at him, blinking even, while emitting a long 'uhh'. Hyojong's eye twitched, you have to be kidding me.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF HE'S GAY???" Hongseok quickly shushed him by shoving his hand on his mouth.

"Look, um- I'm sure you guys will be good if you like... be patient and stuff. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, he'll like you...?" Hyojong rubbed his temples, then sigh.

"Ok, I guess I can do that." Hongseok smiled and then proceeded to drag him to places, showing the restrooms, break rooms, his office, the closet. Literally every part of the café. Then at the counter where two boys are busy with all the girls swooning over them. They're handsome but not really his type.

"Oppa, can I have my order with a vanilla cupcake, and- um... your number?" The girl, who Hyojong assumed to be a college student, covered her face with both of her hands. Probably blushing from embarrassment, if that was suppose to be a pick up line then Hyojong thinks it sucks. The guy behind the counter laughed nervously.

"Ah- I'm sorry but, I'm already seeing someone. And yes, I'll add a vanilla cupcake." The guy said politely, the girl pouted but seemed to understand anyways. Hongseok nudged Hyojong's side.

"That person right there, he is Changgu. And he's younger than you so he'd probably call you hyung." Then they looked at the other guy. The guy had white hair, noice.

"How about you Oppa? Are you seeing someone?" One of the girls that the college student is with asked. The guy stopped what he was doing, he seemed to be nervous as well but his reaction was worst than Changgu's ,he was completely frozen. But he coughed awkwardly and answered.

"Yes, I-I'm seeing someone too..." And he shyly looked at Changgu's direction. Changgu was watching the other guy the whole time, he smiled at him and flashed a finger heart behind the counter so the girls wont see, as an obvious reaction, the guy blushed and went back to what he was doing.

"That's Yanan, he's made in China and younger than you too." Just by looking at the two, it was obvious that they were an item.

"Let me guess, they're 'secretly' a thing?" Hyojong made a peace sign with his hands and bended the two fingers when he said the word 'secretly'. Hongseok just nodded. Then he proceeded on showing Hyojong what is inside of each cupboard and where is what and which is which. Even teaching him how to use the machines. And then they go to the back where the pastries are made.

"Hey hyung, new employee?" A tall lanky figure said while moving a box. Hongseok nodded.

"The tall guy is Wooseok, he's the youngest."

"Sup." Ok, Hyojong likes this guy. He's cool and casual.

"And that one guy, currently in front of the stove, is Yuto. He's quiet but you'll get use to him." Yuto just waved a hand. Then continued to take out the hot snickerdoodles out of the oven. Oops, and there goes someone stumbling while carrying a bowl probably full of cream or something.

"And that is Shinwon, he's shy and clumsy." Shinwon just pouted at him.

Hongseok continued to introduce the other people, while at it, he kinda lost interest.

"Well, that's that! By the way, me, Wooseok, Yuto, Changgu, Yanan and Hui are all close friends. Maybe you should get close to them too. And I'll leave you by yourself for now, you'd be in charge at the front with the couple." It was the last thing that Hongseok said to him before he left to do his own thing. Ok, great, he's stuck with the two lovebirds, no biggie.


And then he broke a coffee machine.

"So, who broke it? I'm not mad, I just want to know." The staff members started looking at one another, they really don't know who broke it.

"...I did, I broke it." Hongseok said but Hui just raised a finger at him. Knowing damn well that he didn't broke it.

"No. No, you didn't. Changgu?" He looked at Changgu expectingly, but Changgu only had his eyes wide in disbelief that Hui would suspect him.

"Don't look at me! Look at Yuto." Changgu said, pointing his finger at the said man. Yuto glared at him.

"What?! I didn't break it." Hyojong was surprised that Yuto actually knows how to raise his voice. Changgu squinted his eyes at him.

"Huh. That's weird, how did you even know it was broken?" Changgu's suspicion towards Yuto increases.

"Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken!" Yuto had lost his temper. Changgu should be scared.


"No it's not!"

"If it matters, probably not... Yanan was the last one to use it." Wooseok had interrupted the heated argument by starting another one with Yanan.

"Liar! I don't even drink that crap!" It's true, Yanan is more into tea.

"Oh really, then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?" Yanan groaned while rolling his eyes at the tall boy.

"I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Wooseok!" Yanan is kinda cute when he's angry.

"Alright, let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it Hui." Hongseok tried to be the peacemaker and he failed miserably.

"No. Who broke it?" This time, the statement came out more sternly. Then Hyojong raised his hand.

"I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it." Hyojong said with the most unemotional face ever. Hui face palmed, Hongseok winced to himself, Changgu, Yanan and Yuto were looking at him clearly shocked while Wooseok was laughing his ass off. This was a great first day of work.


ᴹᴱᴹᴱˢ, what would life be without 'em? lol I really enjoyed writing this and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it as well.

Thanks for reading~💜

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