Chapter 06

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It was another normal day in the café. Hyojong was waiting on the counter for  costumers until a pretty lady approached him. He straightens himself up to look acceptable and smiled. The lady smiled back.

"Hello, can I please meet the owner of the café?" Hyojong was now dumbfounded. 'Does this girl have a complaint or something?' He thought. Hyojong didn't speak no more and nodded his head, then turning his heel to go to Hui's office. Knocking, he then slowly opened the door, not even waiting for a reply or any kind of acknowledgement.

"Hey Hui, a girl wants to see your presence or something I don't know." Hui raised his head to look at Hyojong then shortly after he stands up and sighs.

"Ok." Hui simply said. Exiting his office without another word. Hui has been acting cold lately, mostly towards Hyojong. Whenever Hyojong flirts, Hui would avoid him, unlike the first times where Hui would say some sarcastic remarks. Had Hui had enough of Hyojong? He saw a possibility of this happening but he didn't really expected it to be this soon.

He followed Hui from behind. And when the girl saw Hui, her eyes lightened up and she smiled.

"Hwitaek oppa!"

"Soojin hey!" They both greeted each other and closed the gap between them with a hug. Hyojong's heart sinked down almost or maybe even literally to the depths of hell. They looked so happy to see each other, from the corner of Hyojong's eye he can see Hongseok looking worried.

This sucks, maybe in the first place he actually didn't had a chance. For f#ck sake he's not gay and he should've known better. His chest hurts, he unintentionally brought his hand to his chest and gripped on his shirt. It hurts like hell. But why, who could easily just find someone else, probably netter than him. But, f#ck, he loves him so so much.

"Can I get a pumpkin spice latte?" Hyojong automatically jumped out of his thoughts, removing his hand from his chest, and almost robotically smiled at the girl.

"Yes ma'am, one pumpkin spice latte for you."

"I'll go sit at a table Hui." Hui nodded while smiling fondly at her. Then the girl skipped to a table.

"Isn't she cute Hyojong." He was about to go and make the girl's order but Hui's question stopped him from his track.

"...A- ha, yeah..." sh#t.

"She's Soojin, a close friend of mine since college." Hyojong just hummed in reaponse, not really feeling up to talk about this right now.

"I'm actually planning to ask her out, what do you think?" And there goes Hyojong's heart, broken. He looked at Hui and smiled.

"That's great, good luck man..." Then Hyojong just left quickly to make that girl's fricking order. His eyes were all glossy, tears threatening to fall. He can't cry here, he needs to hold it in, and be a man. Hyojong released a shaky breath. Then a hand placed itself on his shoulder. He looked up to see Hongseok.

"Hey, its ok. There's more people out there for you." He smiled kindly to Hyojong, that's it he's crying. He called Changgu and said something about making a pumpkin spice latte for Hui's 'friend', then he proceeded on pulling Hongseok to the locker room.

"Hey, calm down Hyojong. You don't really need to be upset-"

"I love him! ...A-And it hurts, to see that h-he was never really interested in me..." Tears was now flowing down Hyojong's cheeks. This was the most emotion that Hongseok had seen him release, for the first time.

"How can I not be- upset?" Hyojong was truly devastated now, just why did he have to fall so hard?


"...heh, you.. can't even give an answer."

Hui was keeping Soojin some company while waiting for her drink. They were talking about this and that, laughing about whatever when he felt the need to use the restroom. He excused himself and headed to the staff's restroom. To get there he haves to cross the licker room. While getting closer and closer, he was hearing... sobbing? From who? It was coming from the locker room. Deciding if he should enter or not, he stopped because what he heard was definitely Hyojong's voice.

"I really love him, I do. I-I don't think I could ever replace him from my heart. Simply forgetting... that's just not how it works. Every minute in everyday, all I think about is... him. He... He makes me happy just by his presence. But, obviously, I... don't have a chance now. He's straight, he likes that girl, not me." Hui's need of going to the restroom disappeared, Hui wasn't sure if he was hearing all of this right. He never really thought of Hyojong to be this type of person. He never really thought that Hyojong was actually serious about all of this. He... he loves him.

"...Maybe you should stay here to cool down..." Then the door opened, both men were surprised by each other's presence. Hongseok just left quickly without saying a word. Now this was all up to Hui now, should he ignore this or go in and confront him about this. But you know what? It's now or never. He entered the room. And there he was, Hyojong's hair was a mess, eyes puffy and tear streams were still visible. It was quite a painful sight to see. Hui's heart actually hurts. Hyojong's eyes were wide, clearly surprised to see him.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"You don't really have to apologize for being honest with your feelings." Hui said, they were both silent for some time when he spoke again.

"I heard everything, and... Hyojong, I think I need time to think. Thanks for being honest." Then he took a step closer, then he grabbed his handkerchief out of his pocket then reached for Hyojong's hand. He held it gently in his and placed his handkerchief on Hyojong's palm.

"Wipe those tears of yours ok? And you can leave early for today." He said while rubbing his hand with his thumb while smiling at him reassuringly. Then leaving him for his alone time. Hyojong smiled down at the handkerchief that was given to him, and he did as what he  was told, wipe his tears away.


What a short chapter full of emotions, like seriously ow my heart...

No School this Wednesday so have a chapter lololololol. This book is about to end guys! When I'm done with this, should I do a one-shot PTG book? Cuz I actually hav lots of ideas.

Hav dis photo to be happy again

Hav dis photo to be happy again

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Thanks for Reading~💜

(btw im sorry for using soojin unnie i just rlly have to u kno lol but she's still a queen (all of (G)-idle honestly))

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