Chapter 12

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~Many Months Later~

(Y/N's POV)
               I felt tired and drained. My only thought and will for all these months have been to prevent the beast from awakening. In these many months I've been gone I've visited a scientist. I gave him a sample of this parasite that's attached to me. He explained to me that it's like a symbiotic parasite that attaches to someone's cells and starts to take over slowly. That explains how hard it gets as the days progress. The scientist wanted to run tests on ways to get rid of this symbiotic monster. I of course agreed to any tests and made plans to meet him later tonight. I waited around for our planned meet up time to finally arrive while I sat in agony trying to fight this beast. Once the time finally arrived I quickly moved towards the lab. Once I arrived the scientist had everything set up.
              "Welcome back. There are many tests that I want to run, from chemicals, to sight, and even sound." The scientist explained. I sat in the chair and suffered through experiments that did nothing to expel this monster inside me. Then he moved on to sound. Nothing seemed to work at first until he started slamming metal pipes together. Once the vibrations reached my ears I was suddenly in agony. My body wriggled around on the ground as the scientist kept slamming the poles together. I screamed in agony as this happened. I felt my rage returning as I realized what was happening. I soon blacked out.

              When I once again awoke from a forced coma, I looked around the lab and noticed the blood on the walls and corpse pieces scattered among to room. I then immediately become sad and I feel guilty. I leave the lab and begin walking back towards my hideout. On the way there I noticed the church bell going off in the distance and the sound annoyed me. I then remember the reaction I had to the vibrations of metal on metal clanging. I walk towards the church with an idea formulating in my mind.

(Charlie's POV)
            I was walking with Koneko around the town to help her with her contracts. Which she herself requested. I then heard a bell going off in fast and unusual ways. I glance towards the church and noticed a figure thrashing around a bell slamming into. I nudge Koneko and point. I then began to jog over as she followed behind. She got her phone out and stopped on the sidewalk and made a call, but I continued jogging. I reached the bottom of the church and looked up to see a black goo falling from the top. It must be Y/N. I didn't see a way to move up there on my own so I stayed and called out Y/N's name. I heard screaming and a bell continually going off again and again. I kept screaming and screaming with tears in my eyes. Every fiber of my being wanted nothing other than to protect and help my brother from all of this pain. As I was screaming I felt something hit my shoulder. I look at it to see that it was the goo. I felt another clump as I tried to rip it off. I moved away but all the goo held me down with webs of slime while the rest of it slowly wriggled towards me. I screamed with fear as it clung to me. Then I realized something, if this thing had me, it didn't need Y/N. After realizing this I simply accepted it into me as I stood with my arms opened towards the sky. I felt a smile creep on my face due to my decision. I felt at peace.

(Y/N's POV)
After a while of repeatedly slamming my body into the bell and ripping the symbiotic substance from my body, it seemed as if the goo began to come off of its own will. When the last of it came off a wave of relief came over me. I sat against the bell as a wave of exhaustion consumed me and I felt myself begin to drift into sleep. I was suddenly jerked into alertness when I heard someone scream my brothers name. I stand up and look down as I see my brother covered in the black substance that controlled me for all those months. I see Rias, Koneko, and Kiba all standing around Charlie. He had a smile on his face as he let the substance consume him. I jumped down and stood next to Kiba. I watched as the goo wriggled around on his body before finally settling and molding to his body. I watched with fear before I started to move towards my brother. I reached him and put my hand on his shoulder with worry contaminating my entire being. The goo finally settled on his body and began to resemble something that shocked me. It was no longer a huge muscly monster, instead it looked like my suit. All black with a large white spider across his chest and white eyes. He had white squares on the back of his wrist like "Venom" did. I stared at him with fear. He turned his head to me.
"Y/N? Are you okay now? I was scared at first of this stuff but now it's kinda cool." He out stretched his arms and examined himself.
            "Charlie, how do you feel? Rias was the one to ask the questions everyone present had.
            "I feel stronger and faster and everything else that's great." Charlie's reply made me nervous. I knew exactly what that power felt like and I was worried that it would change him.
            "No, how do you feel? Emotionally? Like angry or anything?" I asked with caution, to not set him off.
            "I feel fine Y/N. I'm just happy I got this thing instead of you. If anything I feel normal."

A/N: Okay, so recently I changed Charlie's piece to a rook. As I wrote this sort of Arc I realized it wouldn't really make sense to give Charlie, a bishop, the Symbiote. Another thing is, would you guys be interested in me introducing some more OCs? I got some ideas in mind but I don't know if that's something you guys would even wanna see. Anyways let me know.

Don't worry, some romance should arrive shortly ;) thanks for reading!

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