Time Heist

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The team spent two days brainstorming, formulating, and hammering out all the details of their plan. Each individual only had enough Pym particles for one round-trip to and from whatever time and place they were assigned. There were six stones, and ten people-- that term, of course, being used loosely in the presence of someone like Rocket-- to retrieve them. They had to make the best use of everyone's individual talents and knowledge of the timelines they would be traveling to. It wasn't an easy task.

Thankfully, this team was no stranger to difficult assignments.

"Okay," Steve addressed the group. He stood in front of a holographic projection of the stones, organized according to location. In big, bold lettering at the top of the projection read the words "TIME HEIST". Scott was unwilling to let the name go, and everyone else had just sort of succumbed to it.

"We've got the space, mind, and time stones in New York."  Steve said.

"You're welcome," Natasha said with a smirk. It had been her who made that revelation, a fact that was especially amusing given she'd done it while brainstorming with Tony and Bruce.  Apparently all those PhD's weren't as special as the two of them thought.

Steve grinned, shook his head, and continued. "The reality stone in Asgard, power in Morag, and soul stone in Vormir. Thor, you and Rocket will head to Asgard to retrieve the reality stone from Jane."

The god of thunder made a sound of discontent from where he sat. Jane Foster, Thor's old flame, was a sensitive subject for the Asgardian. He had exhibited a lot of reluctance to be the one to go back and get the stone-- which was more of an ether than an actual stone, as he had stated in his very long-winded explanation earlier-- from her. Unfortunately, as the only Asgardian in the room, the task had to fall to Thor. No one was naive enough to think that Thor could make the trip alone, though, so Rocket would be accompanying him.

"Nebula, you know Peter Quill's precise location at the time he got the power stone. You and Rhodey will head to Morag."

The two of them nodded their understanding.

"Natasha; Clint, we're sending the two of you to Vormir. We don't know much about it, but it's where Thanos killed Gamora to obtain the stone. We have to assume it's a dangerous place. It's going to be a high risk job."

Steve looked between the two of them. He had his reservations about sending them on this particular quest, especially since he wouldn't be going along with them. He worried about the unknown variables. A lot could go wrong. The potential for disaster was perhaps the highest in Vormir.

"Nothing we haven't done before," Natasha said with a shrug. She looked over at Clint, who sat beside her with his arms folded across his chest.  "Well, I mean, technically it's something we haven't done before, but..." she shrugged one shoulder, as if to say it was no big deal.

"We're up for the task." Barton confirmed with a nod.  He was more serious about the endeavor, which was a bit comforting, Steve supposed.  

Regardless of his personal feelings, Steve had to accept the assignments, because he knew there was no use arguing it.  They all had jobs to do, and they were all committed to those jobs already.  He had a feeling that trying to get any one of the people in this room to sit this one out would be a virtually impossible task.  That was to be expected to.  These were the best of the best, in both skill and character.  Everyone was more than capable of doing their part, here, but more importantly, everyone wanted to do their part.  

He nodded and looked back to the hologram. "Alright. Tony, Scott; Banner, that leaves us. We'll head to New York, 2012, when Loki brought the Chitauri to the city. Bruce, you'll need to find Stephen Strange and get the time stone. Tony, Scott and I will get Loki's staff to retrieve the mind stone, and the tesseract for the space stone."

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