Entry 2

22 2 0

I have decided to up my leave from a few week's to possibly a month, his condition isn't worsening but it has barely gotten better though it only has been a week so you can never be certain. December heard about what happened a few day's ago and has refused to leave his side since his arrival, not that he's too much trouble he's normally polite and is always quite quiet. it's a bit adorable to see those two being inseparable at this moment, but they always have been very close with each other...even more so then he used to a few year's ago. Gelid and I have figured out a way to create a mask for him that'll look similar to bio armor so he may be able to speak again, unfortunately we don't have the equipment to make it waterproof yet but that can alway's be updated as he won't be near any large bodies of water any time soon.

We have designed the mask in a way that'll assist his breathing as he's been relying on the oxygen mask the past few day's to even breathe normally, they said without it after 2 hour's he'd completely suffocate.

Mist has written him a get better soon card, it was poorly written and drawn but he's only 5 so I can't expect him to be the best at his age. Leo has been trying to answer everyone's questions on where he went, as well as checking on him a lot... I'm glad to see I raised the 3 to care for each other and stay by each other's side even when the times are rough.

Something has happened to Chiller's soul that does make me a bit more worried than I was about him, his soul, it used to be just justice but due to this whole experience, he has now acquired an anti-trait, Rage. we have given him some medication to keep his anger at a minimal as new traits are rather dangerous and unpredictable. thankfully it only took over half of his soul instead of his entire soul so that's a sort of plus to the situation though... I'd rather it not be there at all but there is nothing I can do now, it has declared to be permanent by the experts.

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