Beagle3280 Mythologies: How Derek Met Twinkle

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The beginning of the mythologies date back to the first Beagle3280 who fought in the War Of Wars. The first ever Beagle3280 was a brave Druddion named Darius Sr. He was given the nickname in war because he held many Dog Tags, and he was the 3280 Druddigon recruited into the war. During his services he made a friend from the Eeveeloution race named Sparky, and they did everything together even after they were sent home after war. Darius eventually found another Druddigon named Denice and they married, and bared 1 child who they named Darius Jr. Jr was an astounding hunter, everyday he'd hunt for food and most importantly poontang. Jr had many girlfriends but eventually he settled on a Ditto named Tracy and they bared a child who was named Derek.

Derek grew up and went to school, at school he meet 2 Eevees who were brother and sister. One Eevee was the brother & his name was Tsuki, his sister was named Twinkle. Derek introduced himself and got to know Tsuki and Twinkle, and they hit it off fairly well. When Derek got to class, he took his spot right next to Tsuki and next to Derek was another Eevee named Brazen. Brazen seemed friendly, but he refused to make conversation with Derek or Tsuki. Eventually school ended and Derek headed home, he told his mom and dad about his friends and they were excited he made friends. The next morning Darius headed out to find some eggs to make the family breakfast. His hunt was successful, scoring some Blaziken eggs, unfortunately he was killed by a pack of Dedenne on his way home. Derek was crushed to hear the news, his mother was even more sad as she had to carry the family on her shoulders.

Derek spent a lot of time sleeping over at Tsuki's house, he'd basically became Tsuki's brother. Derek met Tsuki and Twinkle's mother, Luna, and she had agreed he could stay with her as long as it was weekends when Twinkle stayed with Psyrus. Psyrus was Tsuki and Twinkles father, he split up with Luna on Valentines day and it was the same day as Luna's birthday. One night Tsuki has evolved, and he decided the next night we'd throw a party and invite everyone from school. During the party everyone was drinking and having a blast, Tsuki met the woman of his dreams and Derek was trying to hit it off with a Braxien named Trixie but failed. Tsuki was excited to finally live his life as an Umbreon, and he was excited to move out and live with his new girlfriend Claire and Beagle. Tsuki started to make the plans when out of nowhere he hears a noise in Twinkle room, she had finally evolved into a Sylveon. Tsuki stops planning the house and begins to help plan Twinkles evolution party, lots of people came along with some unfamiliar faces. Derek headed to the bathroom to take a pee and when he left, a Vulpix was blocking his path with her cunny near his face.

"Hey big boy, you're really making my heat cycle go out of whack."

"Um, I don't think I know you."

"The names Venus, and I know your my love. I wanna have some fun with you."

"Well Venus I am afraid I can't do this, you're a beautiful young lady but I am in to girls who are evolved."

"Oh, so you're saying to see you when I evolve? Then will you fuck me?"

"Sure, sure I gotta go. Later Venus."

I head back to the room where the star of the party was, just to see that some Houndoom was hitting on her. She'd repeatedly told the Houndoom to leave her alone, he was persistent and I knew something had to be done. Derek neared his way to Twinkle and noticed Tsuki tried to help her, but was stopped by a Flareon. Derek approached the Houndoom and tapped him on the shoulder, the Houndoom turned around and got in Derek's face.

"What the hell do you want, Derek?"

"The lady said to leave her alone, punk."

"No one calls me punk, especially someone who's family killed mine!"

"What are talking about?"

The Houndoom was right, in the war his mother was slain by Darius Sr. The Houndoom was named Athena, during the rages of war she was slain and the Houndoom clan had never forgiven the Druddigons. The Houndoom who kept hitting on Twinkle was named Hades, and if Hades didn't get his way he'd do anything to get his way. Derek wasn't going to put up with Hades for very much longer, so he presented Hades with 2 options which were get out or he'd throw him out. Hades smiled and prepared to bite Derek in the face, Derek drew back and knocked Hades out with 1 powerful and swift blow to the face. The Flareon got very worried and let Tsuki go then Venus shouted to the Flareon, who we found out was Brazen, that they need to get Hades and leave. The company of 3 leave and the party starts back up, Twinkle thanks Beagle for his help.

A little while passes and Derek takes Twinkle to the fair, at the fair Derek buys Twinkle her famous pink sunglasses and Twinkle wins Derek his iconic Flat Cap. After their day at the fair they decide to relax at the apartment, and there they could wait out Tsuki and see what he wants to do. As Derek sat on the couch and surfed through the channels, he couldn't help but feel a weight on his chest. Derek liked Twinkle for a long time and he wanted to peruse a relationship with her, but she was his best friends sister. Derek finally turned to Twinkle and he told her how he felt about her, she blushed and admired she liked him like that too. Twinkle takes Derek's hand and leads him to her room, she closes the door and lays on the bed and looks at Derek.

"Are you hungry Derek?"

"A little I guess..."

"Why don't you eat what my momma made?"

*looks around room* "What's that?"

*soft giggle* "Me."

Twinkle then reveals her cunny, it of course was wet and ready for Derek to have a feast on. Derek begins lapping his tongue on her outer lips and then dines on her actual pussy, feeling her shake and push his head against her pussy. What they didn't know was Tsuki had come home, He sat on the couch and began masturbating to all the moaning he had been hearing. When Tsuki was about to finish he heard a door open and heard foot steps in the apartment, then saw Derek and Twinkle heading downstairs with Derek wiping off his chin. The looked over and saw Tsuki with his wiener in his hand the started to scream and run back upstairs so Tsuki could finish what he started. Derek carries Twinkle downstairs and they tell Tsuki their officially a couple, Tsuki was happy for them but embarrassed he fondled himself to their love making session.  And that's how Derek met Twinkle!

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