The children of Derek

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Hi everyone, before I start uploading some side stories I want to say that if I did they wouldn't make sense. I haven't fully came up with the names of Derek's kids, simply because he has a lot of them. I'll eventually come up with names for each and everyone, but if you, the reader, would like to help I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll get around to uploading who I have for names, but until then please be patient till I get around to updating this series.

Thanks to a anomaly Derek was born with called Ditto DNA re-write, he is perfectly capable of being able to conceive children. With every wife, he has at least 1 child except Twinkle who has had multiple. Let's start things simple with the First child of Twinkle's, Freon the Glaceon. Freon was the oldest of all of Derek's children, she was born in early January and her name is derived from the cooling unit found in Air conditioners. The next child was up for debate for the name, Twinkle wanted to name it Anita if it was a girl and Rodney if it was a boy. Derek wanted to continue the family name and name him Darius if it were a boy, but Twinkle said she carried the child so she gets to name it. A few weeks after name discussion the egg was laid, but unlike Freon, it was a week early when it came to hatching. The baby Eevee inside was limp, a bit blue looking and rarely breathing. Twinkle preformed mouth to mouth to help regulate the air flow, after a few minutes the baby got out of the egg and was acting like a healthy baby boy. The baby was named Rodney in the reasoning that it would evolve into Jolteon. (Lightning Rod is Jolteons hidden ability) Next in line was a baby that was made AND carried by Derek himself, another side effect caused by Ditto DNA rewrite. Derek decided that since he made and is carrying this one, he decides the name. A while later the egg was laid, and after a few more weeks the egg hatched a beautiful baby girl. Derek decided he wanted to have a Vaporeon daughter and he named the baby Sapphire Darius. Sapphire was dubbed her name since of spiritual stone of the Zora's was the Zora Sapphire, and Darius to continue the family name. Next in line was a set of twin boys, Twinkle decided they should be named after they're uncle Tsuki and their grandfather Psyrus. Sometime after Psyrus Jr and Tsuki Jr were born, Twinkle had given birth to a healthy baby girl and named her Ruby. The name was chosen since Gorons had the spiritual stone of the Goron Ruby which had to obtain had be fought by Duddongos to obtain, and they breath fire. That and Twinkle wanted another gem stone named child. A year later Mary Jane was born, she was named Mary Jane after the naming convention he talked about the day he slept with Nature. Another year passes, and somehow all on the same night he got 5 of his wives pregnant. Twinkle was the first, and she had twins again... But they were healthy baby girls. She named one Evoli (after what he talked about with Tsuki) and the other Eveui, since neither her nor Derek wanted them to evolve. The second wife he knocked up was Venus, she birthed a healthy baby girl who they named Ember. (Ember being a fire type move and almost sounds like Amber) With Lorreta, he had Bonnie Buneary who was named this since Bonnie sounds like bunny. And then he impregnated Roxy, who had a healthy and shiny baby boy, who she named Rocko. Lastly, Trixie had a child with Derek, a beautiful baby girl who they named Mozilla. Nature bared a beautiful baby girl named Sparks, Splash and Ocean had sons named David and Daryl, lastly Frost had a child named Snowflake.

The End

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