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I can't believe she did that. She killed the love of my life, right in front of my eyes. We were just talking, and she jumped at her. Put a knife trough her heart. They were calling a meeting, to discuss what was going to be done to her. What will they do to the girl that killed their queen? Will they send her away? To the nightswatch? Probably not. They are going to kill her and she knew it. She knew what she was doing when she did it. Someone knocked on the door. 'Jon? Are you there?' Its Sansa. I had her called her after Arya killed Daenerys. 'Wait a second. I'm coming!' All of Daenerys' followers have come. Yara Greyjoy, the Dornish, Tyrion Lannister, Robin Arryn, Edmure Tully, even Howland Reed was here. The old Howland Reed came to make sure that Arya got what she deserved. Deserved, thats for sure. My sister killed a tyran. Daenerys burned Kings Landing down to the ground, almost killing her. Somewhere deep inside i understand. I love her. I can't let them kill her. I have to protect her. Our family has been destroyed enough already. I will come up with something. I will stop them, whatever the cost.

'Jon. Are you okay? I can't believe she killed Daenerys. We can't let them kill her. We can't lose anyone more. Do you understand that? Jon?' She stopped me. I looked her in the eye. 'Ofcourse i'm not alright! She killed my queen! You know what they do to girls who kill queens? They kill them! I thought that Arya grewed up. She didn't. She is still the little girl i grew up with. Only now she is.... an assasin. She's dangerous.' I looked Sansa in the eye and i saw them turning black. She clearly didn't agree with me. 'She's your sister! You can't let them kill her! YOU CAN'T!' She's afraid. I saw it in her eyes. The eyes of a frightened child. 'Look, Sansa. I won't let them kill her. I love her too. You know that. But, there are many angry people out there. Angry because she killed the queen.' Sansa's eyes turned even more black than i had ever seen. 'What people? You mean her Dothraki and her Unsullied? Because the rest is burned, you know. Dead' Dead dead dead dead. I kept hearing it. She did killed them all. But that had a reason. Arya did not have one. 'Sansa, don't worry. Just keep your mouth shut when we are talking. Or they will think you had something to do with it.' They were coming together in the Dragon Pit. When we arrived, everyone already sat. They went to sit next to Davos. Tyrion started: 'So, now that we all have arrived, i think we can start. The stark girl.' Tyrion looked at me. He was trying to get me to say anything. 'I want her dead' It was Yara Greyjoy. She sworn to serve Daenerys, and she will. 'She killed our queen, and must be punished for it, and for killing the queen you get beheaded. I say we do that.' A typical Greyjoy. 'My friends, i dont think that is really a choice in this case.' Tyrion said. 'She is 17 years old, which means she is still a kid. And we don't give death penalty's to kids. You need to understand that that is the way it is here in Westeros.' Clearly Yara did not agree with this. 'So you are telling me that this girl won't be punished? If it is that way, maybe we should change the way here in Westeros. The girl shall be punished, if not by you, by me.' Tyrion smiled to her. 'I said no death penalty's, not no punishment. You have to understand the circumstances. She went into Kingslanding to help Daenerys, but she started burning everythink down.' What? I didnt know that? Arya on a secret mission? 'Excuse me. I'm not getting something here. Why was Arya is kinglanding? To kill Cersei?' Tyrion looked at me. 'She didn't tell you?' He sounded suprised. 'The girl was send to kill Cersei, by Daenerys herself. Daenerys promised her that it was safe, but the moment she entered the red keep, it started to collaps.' Arya didn't tell me that. 'Who told you that?' Greyjoy again. 'I did,' It was Bran, his brother. 'I saw it. After the feast, they had a talk. Arya wanted revenge, so did Daenerys.' Greyjoy looked confused. 'Why didn't she tell anyone? I don't understand. She should have told us' She nodded her head. 'And why is that? Because we are her 'trusted advisors'?' Sansa spoke. 'No. Thats not why. She didn't want to tell you because she was afraid that you wouldn't agree with it. No, also not true. Oh, i know it. It was a secret operation. You know what secret means, greyjoy? That means that it must not be told to anyone.' Greyjoy looked at Sansa. 'Who says that you weren't plotting with your treasonous sister? Who was the brain behind the brain? Probably not your sister, she is just the assasin. No, there is something much deeper that is going on.' Tyrion laughed. 'Yeah, thats for sure! Well, we can keep on trying to figure it out ourselfs, if we can ask it to the girl herself?' I knew this would happen. Know it is going wrong.

Grey Worm and some guards came. They had Arya with them. She was wearing chains, and was gagged. When they arrived at the platform, Grey Worm kicked her on her knees. I saw Sansa getting very angry. 'My lords and Ladies, we are not talking about a ordinair criminal here. This is Arya Stark, daughter of Eddard Stark.' Sansa said. 'And queenslayer ofcourse. Was kingslayer not enough for you?' Asked Greyjoy to Arya. Arya looked at her. 'Well, ungag her, Grey Worm!' Tyrion said. Grey Worm grabbed Arya's hair, and pulled her head back. He ungagged her and threw her back on the ground. Arya spitted at his feet. Grey Worm wanted to kick her, but Tyrion intervened. 'Come on Grey Worm! We don't kick prisoners, especially not girls. Lady Stark, can you forgive him? He is a little.. lets say furious.' Arya didn't answer. 'Well, come on! We all want to know what happend!' Tyrion started to get a little annoyed. 'Maybe we i should do this' Robin Arryn came out of the corner. 'We don't know each other, so we don't judge each other on things that happend in the past.' Greyjoy laughed. 'So you can set her free? Then we can let her boyfriend do that. At least he knows that what happend wasn't right, right My Lord?' She looked at Gendry. 'Arya' Sansa started. 'We can't help you if you don't tell us anything.' Sansa looked Arya straight in the eye. 'She sweared at her life that it would be safe. It wasn't. So i took her life.' Jon shook his head. She was only making it more difficult. 'Tyrion, i would like to speak to her alone,' Tyrion nodded. 'Alright y'all, lets give them a moment.' Sansa didn't like she was going to leave. 'You too, Sansa. I need to know why.' Sansa rose and left with the rest. Only Grey Worm didn't leave. 'Grey Worm, what are you doing? You need to leave.' Grey Worm didn't even look at him. 'I can't let the prisoner out of my sight. That are my orders.' Arya looked up 'Just leave, you cunt. Its not like my brother will let me go. He probably hates me more than you do.' Grey Worm looked down at Arya and Arya looked back. 'I will stay here, and i will kill you both if i have to.' Jon sighted. 'Grey Worm, please. I need to talk to my sister. I won't let her go. She will answer for her crimes.' Arya looked at me and her eyes were full of sadness. She looked like a little girl again. Grey Worm looked at Jon and left.

'Arya..' Jon started 'Why did you kill her? You did not have the right to!' Arya wanted to stand up. 'Jon..' Jon interrupted her 'Don't call me that! You killed her! You knew i loved her, but you didn't care enough about me! You only care about yourself! You know that i won't free you right?' Arya looked like she was going to cry. She looked like the girl that left to kingslanding. The girl that never came back. 'Jon, please listen to me... i' Jon hit her in the face. She fell back down. Blood was coming out of her mouth. 'You what? You thought that she tried to kill you? You thought that you could just kill the queen? Is that it?' Arya looked up to him. 'No. I thought i could get my  brother back.' Jon got more angry. 'That is your excuse? Wanting me back? You really are a stupid little girl aren't you? I'm done with you. I'm not going to defend you in front of them. You can choose someone else to try your innocense on. The Arya is knew is dead. You are a stone cold assasin.' Jon saw something change in her eyes. That's something all the Tully's had. When they get angry, their eyes turn dark. So did her eyes. She saw the fear and sadness in her eyes turn into something else. To hate. 'You're right. I am. A stone cold assasin. For 3 years, i tried to wipe that off. But the fact is, i can't. You know why? Because the only thinh that kept me standing through al of these years is hate. Hate to everyone that ever wronged my family. To Cersei, Walder Frey, Ilyn Payne, Meryn Trant. Do you have any idea what happend to me? No, you don't. The only thing you know is that i'm weird and not the same person anymore. If i'm not, why do you even care about me? Why don't you just kill me?' She looked him right in the eye. All that he recognized from the past, was gone. He never saw this side of her. 'You are right.' Jon pulled out Longclaw. 'Maybe i should' For a moment he really thought that he was going to do it. Then Sansa came out of nowhere. 'Jon! Stop it!' She jumped between Jon and Arya. 'What are you doing? You promised that you would protect her!' Jon looked at Sansa's bright blue eyes. 'You know i can't. She is a criminal. She needs to be punished.' Sansa gave him a little push. 'You can't! She's your sister!' Jon stepped back and shouted: 'Grey Worm! I need your help here.' Grey Worm walked his way and pulled Arya on her feet. 'Bring her to the cells.' Arya looked at Jon and he saw excactly what she was thinking. You are going to die for this. 

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