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Jon was sitting at the table of the small counsel. 'So, we need to find the girl..' Tyrion Lannister started. 'Yeah, we do..' There were a few people at the table. Jon, Tyrion Lannister, Yara Greyjoy and Ser Davos. Everyone of them had different intensions. Tyrion, wanted to find Arya to make sure she was alright, seeing that Tyrion wanted Daenerys dead. Davos was only here because of Jon, and Yara wanted Arya dead. Revenge, that is the only thing she could think off.  Jon didn't know what his intensions were. He cared about Arya, but also was angry with her. She did kill Dany, and made him hate her, but he couldn't decide if he could. Tyrion pulled him out of his thoughts. 'What are we doing about the Baratheon boy? He did conspire with them, but right now he is the closest thing we have to an heir. We can't kill him' Yara cleary didn't agree with him. 'What else is your plan, huh? We don't have any clues of where she could be. How are we supossed to find her? Just searching all the kingdoms? Trying to find a small girl with brown hair? This is useless. I need to go back home, to rule my people.' Since when is she so devoted about ruling her people? Two days ago the only thing she could talk about was killing Arya and Avenging Daenerys. Arya must have felt so alone. Like no one loved her. Like no one was there for her. Like no one ever listened to her. He was ashamed of what he did. He felt like a completely different person now. But right now, he needed to focus on something else. Finding Arya. He needs to say that he's sorry, before its too late. Before she's changed for ever, without a way of going back. He felt like he was in a living hell.

Jason was on his way back to Kingslanding. He couldn't decide wether what he did was wrong or right. It felt right at the moment he did it, but now that it has been a while ago, regret started to fill his head. What are they gonna do to her? Are they gonna torture her, untill she's dead? Are they gonna deliver her to some of Daenerys' man? He felt guilty. His brother was walking next to him. 'You did the right thing, Jason. It was the save play that would get you out alive, you would have died if it wasn't for me.' Sure, James. Just keep believing that. 'I just don't feel like a hero or anything. Just a traitor.' James smiled. You already are a traitor, since you left WITH her. You did the honorable thing to do.' How is this honorable? Regret, regret and more regret. And then he realized it. He failed Sansa. As Kingslanding doomed  up from the sky, he felt like he was walking into a living hell.

She was lying in a cage. There was an awfull pain on her head, where on of the men hit her. Someone came into the room. She couldn't quite see, everything was so, blurry. The man dragged her on her feet and threw her on a chair. 'Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell... I would have expected you to be at least a bit...taller. But i guess you're just another disappointment. Just like your traitor boyfriend.' For the first time in their converstation she looked up to him. 'What are you talking about?' The man laughed. 'You don't know? Well, the Deadwonn boy betrayed you. He sold you out to save his own ass from the new king, Jon Stark.' She didn't understand. How could Jon be king? And since when was he a Stark? He was a Targaryen, and a bastard to everyone else in the world. How is he the king of the seven kingdoms now? 'Jason would never do that.' That was all that came out of her. 'Just like your sister would never send out men to hunt you down and kill you if they must? How do you think Deadwonn got here? Jason was send by Sansa. But he never told why.. Did everyone she loved betray her? She felt her anger getting warmed up. 'She would never do that either.' Her voice began to tremble. The man noticed that and grabbed her hair. 'You getting sad girl? Think of what you did. You are a monster.' I've already had that talk.. 'You are gonna die..' She whispered so softly, that he couldn't hear. 'What did you say, girl? Show some respect, you little worm.' He wanted to grab her hair, but before he could she rammed her head into his face. She took his sword while he fell on the ground and put it through his heart. 'I said, you are gonna die.' She opened the door and ran away. She put down some guards on the way. 'Everyone is going to, really.' She said as she left the harbor she was in.

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