The chapter

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And like that Dawn was gone, and Scott’s Mum was standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest; she was angry “what was that!” she exclaimed pointing up the stairs.

“It was nothing, I swear” Scott answered truthfully, he didn’t have any idea why Courtney acted the way she did, or why the question came up anyway but he had a feeling that was why Dawn was there.

“fine” His Mum believed him “but you have to talk to Courtney, because she clearly thinks you’re relationship is something more” Scott groaned, and dragged his feet up the stairs, surprisingly, Scott didn’t hear cries of a heartbroken woman, but shouts of Courtney, who was on the phone with someone.

‘Courtney’ Scott mouthed when he had finally grabbed the brunettes attention, in reply she turned away and waved him off not stopping the argument, Scott walked up to her and snatched the phone off her and ended the call.

“What was that for?” She whined trying to take her phone back, but Scott didn’t let her get it, he knew if she got what she wanted then she would go back to what she was doing previously and completely ignore Scott.

“I need to talk about what happened down there” Scott Said, Courtney signalled for him to continue “why did you say what you said down there”

Courtney paused “why? Did you have a problem with that?” Courtney placed her hands on her hips.

“yes of course I did, now Dawn thinks I go out with you” Scott said.

“And that’s a problem because...” Courtney knew what was up with him, and eventually once Scott had processed what she had said, he realised it too.

“I’ve got to go” Scott ran out of the door and down the stairs, he was just heading towards the door when he was cut off by his mother.

“And where do you think you’re going, mister” Scott tried to get past her but failed.

“I’ve got to go see Dawn” He tried to push his Mum out of the way, and again failed.

“I think you’ve broken her heart enough, Scott, why don’t you just go up stairs and practise you’re lines” She pushed him in the direction of the stairs but Scott wouldn’t budge.

“Mum, I love her” Scott said and walked straight past his Mum, even though Scott’s Mum knew ever since he came back he had been having feelings for her again, actually, the truth is that Scott never stopped loving Dawn, even if he didn’t know it.

Scott was running, he ran all the way to Dawn’s house, but then again it wasn’t that far away, he pounded on the door, no reply “Dawn!” he shouted the loudest he could and pounded some more “please Dawn, I have to tell you something” he waited for a while waiting for a response, but there was still nothing, he hit his head against the door and walked away muttering about how idiotic he had been, he kicked an empty can in frustration and screamed at himself for being such a jerk and not telling her sooner about his feelings, now Scott wasn’t one of those people who cried but for this he let the tears stream down while cursing his life.

He opened the door and slammed it shut, his Mother came from the kitchen and when she saw his face she didn’t say anything, she knew that it was best to face his emotions on his own. Scott marched upstairs, his steps getting louder and angrier with every step he took, he stormed into his room and started furiously punching his old punching bag that he had in the room, he remembered when he got it.


Dawn and Scott walked into his room talking and laughing, they had just been to the cinema, it was Dawn’s first time, “so what was your favourite part, Dawn?” Scott asked referring to the film.

“What’s that?” Dawn stopped about halfway into the room and pointed and a big, red cylinder hanging from the ceiling.

“It’s a punching bag” Dawn looked confused.

“Why would you need to punch anyone, Scott” The ginger laughed.

“Well if we got into a fight I would have to protect my lady” Dawn giggled when Scott said that.

This made Scott punch even harder “We used to be so happy” he cried out longing for those times to come back, but he knew that they could never be like that again, or could they, Scott suddenly had an idea, an idea that was bound to work, and nothing could stand in his way.


What’s Scott’s plan? And what’s going to stand in his way? Because we know something’s bound to ruin everything, but what or who will it be. I know, I know. I could of made the chapter title better but I didn't know what to put.

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