A Christmas Epilogue

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It's Christmas eve in the family of Scott, Dawn and their 3 year old daughter Hope, this year would be the first year of them holding a Christmas party, and things have turned out surprisingly well.

First through the door came Duncan and two month pregnant Courtney, surpisingly their relationship had lasted longer than Dawn expected even if they had a few bumps on the way "Hello, come on in" Dawn stepped aside so the couple could come in.

Soon after came Gwen and her boyfriend Trent. A couple of days after her and Dawn's chat she saw her old friend from college and instantly knew why Dawn had said "trust me, things are going to be better". "here you go" Dawn was handed a box of chocolates and they walked in.

Noah came in with his best friend Cody, Dawn smiled when she saw them "hello, how are you two?" she said.

"good" they said in unsion and both blushing after, Noah signalled for his friend to walk through the door which he did happily.

Scott's family walked through the door bearing lots of christmas gifts, first to walk through was his mum, then his dad, who had recently gotten off one of his many bussiness trips, after came his two sisters, Albertha and Nina, and 3 brothers, Rodney, Neo, Shane. What a family.

"Is he coming?" Scott walked to the door where Dawn was standing.

"I'm not sure I haven't seen him for years" Dawn sighed a part of her thinking that he might have the heart to show up, it had taken her 6 months to track down her Farther that had abandoned her when she was only three.


The door knocked just as they finished there game of charades, Dawn ran to the door in order to get there quickly. When she opened the door she had no idea who it is but for some reason he knew her, tears were streaming down his as he sobbed out "my little girl" Dawn gasped not believing what she was seeing "I've been searching for you" his arms were spread wide open, Dawn came running into his arms.

"Eric" The voice of her mother's spoke "you left us" she said blankly.

"I left a note saying that I had to go away for a while" he said sadness in his voice and still the tears refused to stop.

"I'm so sorry, I should have thought, you never do that to us" She walked up to her long lost husband and hugged him like it was the end of the world.

"what's happening?" Scott walked into the room "is that?" Dawn nodded, as Scott placed his arm protectivley around her shoulder.

"Father this is Scott" The beetle whisperer said.

"Nice to meet you, hope you've been taking good care of my daughter" he smiled quickly realising that they were a couple.

Dawn was so happy to see to see her father again, they spent ages catching up on what had been happening with each other, even Scott was warming up to the man. As the day was ending slowly the guests said their thank you's and left, at 10:30 the only people who were their were Dawn, Scott, Eric and Hope who was upstairs sleeping.

"Well I'd better be getting off" Eric stood up and headed for the door.

"But where are you going to go Mr. Evergreen?" Scott asked.

"I'm going to convince Dawn's Mum to let me stay with her" He winked with a smile, then got his hat and walked out.

"well we know what's going on at thet house" Scott laughed gaining a push from Dawn "how do you think you were born" Dawn giggled.

"let's go to bed" She turned around and headed upstairs.

"wait for me" Scott ran up the stairs to catch up with his wife and wrapped his arms around her small waist and squeezed her tight "I love you" he said those three magic words and planted a kiss on her neck.

"I love you too" She said them back and looked up adoringly into his eyes, before they could share another kiss, a faint noise of crying filled the room "come on, it's hope" Dawn took Scott's hand and pulled him towards the room.

"what's wrong, sweetie" Scott said as they sat on her bed.

"I had a nighmare" She wiped away her tears away and sat up, her knees pulled up to her chin.

Dawn stood up and inspected the dream catcher that hung above her bed, one of the strings had snapped "aha" she said and started to fix it "there we go, now you'll have no more nighmares, promise" Dawn sat back down and layed Hope down then gave a little kiss on her nose, Scott did the same and she closed her eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

Dawn and Scott stood at the door and switched off the light "night" they both said and headed hand in hand off to their bedroom. "I'm so glad we made this family" Scott pecked Dawn on the lips.

"me too" She moved closer to Scott and inhaled his scent.

"maybe we should add another person to our family" He smirked.

"I believe we already have" Dawn rubbed her stomache and smiled.


The end, hope you enjoyed it and thank you all for reading it, I know I'm not the best author in the world, but I try. Bye-Bye and remember I have got another Dott fanfic that I started a while ago so that will be published soon.

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