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Dear Lena,
My sister has finally returned! She brought with her some interesting stories. I feel as though you are open minded enough to hear them, so I wish to share them with you, in confidence. My sister has told me that there are women who love women, like how a woman loves her husband. She tells me there are secret groups full of kind women, to hide from the hatred of others. She took me to a meeting, how anyone could hate them, I cannot fathom! They have secret codes and symbols, violets and lavender... I did not know that any of this was possible.
I'm not supposed to tell anyone any of this, but I know I can trust you. My sister met a women posing as a soldier, she tells me she loves her. She is very sweet and they seem to be so happy together. Alex is afraid though.
I don't know why I'm telling you all this, I just had to talk to someone. I hope you will come to be accepting of this as I have.
The letter shakes Lena to the core, for multiple reasons. Firstly because she didn't know a woman could love a woman like that either, but mostly because something about it sounds so familiar. The secret meetings and the symbols that is.
It has taken Lena longer than usual to respond to Kara's letter, but perhaps she's busy, Kara tries to reason. Still she can't help but worry and decides to write another letter.
Dear Lena,
I didn't intend to force this on you or imply anything, please don't hate me for this. I hope our differences of opinion won't impede on our friendship. I'm still the same Kara. I'm still your best friend.
It finally hits her, Samantha Arias. A friend from her boarding school days. They haven't spoken in years but Lena decides to reach out to her.
"I was so sure..." Sam trails off "God, that's why I kept mentioning it."
"I didn't... I didn't know it was even possible..." Lena says in nearly a whisper. "I just heard from a friend, and she heard from her sister..." Lena's a little out of it, and it's hard to concentrate on a single thought. All she's thinking about is Kara. Their letters, their friendship, that moment in the garden. Could it all mean something more? Her head is spinning but she also feels warm.
For the rest of their visit Lena and Sam spend time catching up. Sam has made a name for herself in the city,
they part with promises to stay in touch.
After she leaves Lena still can't seem to shake her thoughts.
Dear Kara,
I don't know what this all means. I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm so confused. All I know is that I could never hate you, and I need to see you again.

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