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     "You're staring again

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     "You're staring again." Carter DiArmo, the love of Noah Puckerman's life, frowns, annoyed. The moment she stepped into the classroom, thirty minutes ago, Noah couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was so head over heels in love with her.

     Noah sighs in content as he stares dreamily at her once more. He places his head in the palm of his hand, leaning forwards. "I can't help it," He smiles. "You're, like, an angel."

     Carter scoffs and goes back to listening to Mr. Schuester's, her Uncle, horribly taught Spanish lesson. She'd have to ask Santana for help later. Noah continued to stare until the bell finally rang for their next class.

     Carter hated school. Normally she would have loved it, but the fact that Noah Puckerman has signed up for the exact same classes as Carter took the fun right out of it. Now she had to suffer through Chemistry with Noah 'complimenting' her every few seconds.

     She concluded that Hell, in fact, was a real place. And it was anywhere that Noah Puckerman had infected with his obnoxious self.

     "¿Como está usted? Yo me llamo Guillermo." Will speaks. He then encourages the class to repeat the sentence.

     They repeat it in monotonous, robotic voices. "¿Como está usted? Yo me llamo Guillermo."

     "Bueno, bueno!"

     Carter snorts, shaking her head at her Uncle. He has got to find a new teaching position.


"Glee Club?" Carter quirks an eyebrow, listening to her Uncle talk about rebooting the Glee Club he was in back in the 90s or something.

Carter picked up the cream cheese topped butter knife and slid it across her plain bagel while staring at him.

"60 dollars? Terri isn't gonna like that." Carter lets out a tsk and bites into her bagel.

Will sighs and agrees. "That's why you're going to help me hide it."

Carter scoffs. "You take me kindness for granted, Will." Carter stands up and moves over to the fridge to grab something to drink. "Your biggest problem is finding people who're willing to audition."

Will grins. "You can be my first auditioner. I mean, you're friends with everyone! If you audition, I'm absolutely, positively sure that people will come running to sign up for the Glee Club. Noah Puckerman definitely would."

Carter rolls her eyes. "God, I hope he doesn't. I see enough of Noah during classes."

Will laughs. He knew how in love Noah was with his niece. The admiration that the boy held for her wasn't like any other fling he had had with other girls. With Carter it was different and Will could see that.

"Didn't he sign up for the same classes as you did?"

Carter groans at the thought once more. "Excuse me while I go stab myself with this butter knife."

"You might want to sharpen it before you—"

Carter flung the hair tie that was wrapped around her wrist towards Will. He laughs and shuffles to the side before he can be hit.


"You guys all suck." Carter laughs as she walks into the choir room. Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, and Tina Cohen-Chang turn her way quickly. Frowns settle on their faces when her comment registers in their minds.

"Who're you?" Rachel questions sharply. Carter rolls her eyes at her tone of voice.

"Calm down, Mariah."

"This is my niece, Carter." Will switches back to the question. Carter waves and moves to sit on top of the piano, smiling at Brad.

"Whoever decided to do Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat is stupid." Carter continued to criticize the club. Will sighs, running a hand down his face. "Try something more modern. Or just maybe a little less . . . 1950s."

"Thank you, Carter, for your extremely helpful input. We'll take it into consideration."

Rachel Berry storms out of the room. The thought of nobody in the club being able to meet her vocal expectations.

Carter blows out a breath. "Well, isn't she just a ray of sunshine."



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