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     Rachel had called in the glee club for an unauthorized meeting—though it wasn't unauthorized if they didn't have a director

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Rachel had called in the glee club for an unauthorized meeting—though it wasn't unauthorized if they didn't have a director. She didn't want them to stop believing and neither did they. So, the group prepared a song to sing on their own. Their next step was to find a new director. They were still working on that.

Before the group could even begin to practice anything, Finn walks in rolling Artie in front of him. The latter was drenched in what Carter hoped was sweat. His hair stuck to his forehead and his blue eyes were wide.

"Oh, my God, Artie." Carter frowns, stepping forward with Tina.

"This is a closed rehearsal." Kurt says.

"Look, I owe you guys an apology. I never should have quit. I don't want to be the guy that just drives around throwing eggs at people." Finn apologizes. Carter furrows her eyebrows. Eggs were meant to be thrown at houses not people.

"That was you?" Rachel questions in shock.

"You and your friends threw pee balloons at me." Kurt snaps.

"I know." Finn sighs.

"You nailed all my lawn furniture to my roof." Kurt continues.

"How did your family not notice?" Carter asks. Kurt doesn't answer.

"I wasn't actually there for that, but I'm really sorry. Look, that isn't who I am, and I'm tired of it. This is what I want to be doing, with you guys. I used to think that this was like, the lamest thing on Earth, and maybe it is, but . . . we're all here for the same reason–'cause we want to be good at something." Finn says. It was very inspirational in Carter's opinion. "Artie, you play guitar, right? Think you could recruit the jazz band?"

"I do have pull there." Artie replies.

Finn moves on to the next member. "All right. Mercedes, we need new costumes, and they have to be cool. Can you do that?"

"Damn, don't you see what I got on?" She laughs.

Finn turns to Rachel. "Rachel, you can do choreography. Tina, what are you good at?"

Tina stutters out a response so Carter cuts in for her. "We'll figure something out."

Mercedes then rounds on Finn. "And what are you bringing to the table, Justin Timberlake?"

Finn grins. He knew exactly what he could bring to the club. "I've got the music."

"I heard you joined glee club."

Carter groans, recognizing the voice immediately. Noah Puckerman. Oh, how she hated him. She hated his stupid mohawk, arrogant smirk, the fact that he thought he was allowed to play with girls feelings like it didn't matter at all. His whole presence just irked her.

"For emotional support." Carter responds, monotonously. Noah grins at her annoyed expression. He was going to make her crack one day. He was so sure of it.

"I heard they've been getting slushied."

Carter freezes in horror. She had been slushied once on accident. It had been for the person behind her but she was in the way. The second the slushie was flung, Noah was there to cuss out the culprit and nearly get suspended. It was one of her lowest moments at McKinley.

"Don't worry." Noah waves a hand in her direction. "I'll be there and ready to fight for you if they try anything."

Carter flings her locker shut with a false smile. "My hero."

She begins to walk off in the direction of the schools auditorium with a bit of happiness at the thought of someone so high up on the food chain, sticking up for her. Even if it was someone as annoying as Noah Puckerman.

William Schuester, who just came back from talking to Miss Pillsbury about not becoming an accountant and sticking to what makes him happy, walks down the halls of McKinley looking for Carter so they could head home when he hears music coming from the auditorium.

The New Directions had decided to perform Journey's Don't Stop Believin', Finn's choice. Will watches them perform with a proud expression across his face. When they're done, Will claps.

"Good, guys. It's a nine. We need a ten." The group smiles widely. "Rachel, you need to hit the ones and the fives. Finn, I think if we worked on it, you could hit a high B."

Finn smiles, asking him, "So does this mean you're staying?"

"It would kill me to see you win nationals without me."

Carter grins stepping forward. "I'm glad you didn't stop believing in us."

Will shakes his head at her pun, a light chuckle emitting from the back of his throat. "From the top."

[ may 30, 2019 ]

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