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     On Saturday, Carter stood in line at the concession stand in between Rachel and Finn and Will and Emma

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On Saturday, Carter stood in line at the concession stand in between Rachel and Finn and Will and Emma. Between Rachel prying herself into Finn's personal life and Emma doing the same, they were becoming too unbearable for her. She almost left the line. Almost. But she hadn't eaten all day and she really wanted a bucket of popcorn all for herself.

"Quinn Fabray."

"Do you want to go halvsies on a PB and J?"

"Cheerleader Quinn Fabray? The president of the celibacy club?"

"That sounds perfect."

Carter groans. If only they'd all just confess already. After standing in between them for a couple of minutes, she notices the similarities between the two couples. Rachel was obsessed with Finn and he was in a relationship and vice versa with Will and Emma.

Finn had bought a packet of Sour Patch Kids, Will and Emma shared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which Carter had finally gotten her large, buttery popcorn.

Now, it was time to watch Vocal Adrenaline perform. Will gathered up his little group of kids and seated them towards the middle of their auditorium.

"Hey, guys, so this is supposed to be our competition, but, uh, I honestly don't think that they've got that talent that we've got."

Carter begged to differ. She had watched most of their competition videos, all of which they won sectionals, regionals, and nationals. They were way better than the New Directions and she knew it.

Carter's jaw dropped. They were much better performers in person. They were so in sync, it was terrifying. Well, traumatizing for the rest of the New Directions.

"We're d-d-doomed." Tina stutters, clutching a pamphlet for the school against her chest.

"Oh, yeah." Carter nods. She couldn't agree more. "Definitely."


When Carter found out that Terri was pregnant she was shocked. Not very excited because it meant that she wouldn't be receiving much attention anymore, but still shocked. Shocked that after many years, Terri was finally pregnant. Shocked that she was abandoning the Glee Club for his baby. It was shocking, but she understood. He needed to provide for the kid and he pays 60 dollars just to keep the club up and running.

What Carter was shocked the most about was the fact that she was actually considering becoming an accountant. He was giving in to Terri Schuester and she didn't like that.

"Is this 'cause those Carmel kids were so good?" Mercedes frowns. "Because we can work harder."

"This isn't fair, Mr. Schuester." Rachel says. "We can't do this without you."

"So does that mean that I don't have to be in the club anymore or . . ." Finn quiets down after the club sends him annoyed stares.

"This isn't about you guys. Being an adult is about having to make difficult choices. It's not like high school. Sometimes you have to . . . give up the things that you love." He looks down. "One day you guys are going to grow up and understand that. I have loved being your teacher."

He takes a deep breath and turns to leave the auditorium. Leaving the Glee Club to watch him sadly.

They had been left. Abandoned. Call it whatever you wanted, but William Schuester was gone.

[ may 24, 2019 ]

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