Chapter 1

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The streets of London's in the Victorian era was dirty and dark the alleys were clawing with, rapists, robbers, thieves, and poor people. All the so-called humanity's trash, un-needed, worthless and so on. As a Man in a black cloak, hood covering his face walked down the alley, In front of him was his target. The killer of the poor as the people call him. With a dirty, rusted kitchen knife in his hand, meat apron covered in blood and black blood stained mask.

As the cloaked man walked closer to his target, ready to attack before his target could take another's life. That was the order that his master commanded, wanting his best servant to follow his command to the letter and without fail. Unknown to them that on the roof of a nearby building, was a red and demon obsessed grim reaper watching the scene with interest.

This red fool was none other than Grell Sutcliff. He was interested in the mysterious tall man in a black cloak. From what Grell could see of the man he was slim but strong. His legs moving with so much grace and Agility that most Nobles can't, do. Like a bolt of lightning, the cloaked man was fast as sound, throwing silver butter knives straight at his target.

killing his target instantly and didn't even make a big mess, only a straight crimson splash on the ground.

Grell was amazed, even his bassy couldn't be that strong and fast. He wanted to see the cloaked man's face. "Oh, how amazing hit!' Grell thought in amazement with hearts in his eyes.
'I must see this man's face, I can't stand this cloak thing!' Grell mentally wine to himself. Jumping down of the roof, and landing in front of the cloaked male, Grell smirked like always and said "well hello there Mr. Mysterious, that was amazing show" Grell clapped his hands fabulously.
The cloaked male bowed like a proper gentleman, making Grell swoon like a fangirl. As the cloaked man took off his cloak, showing Grell... A sex god in two legs!

He was drop-dead gorgeous, ten times more handsome than bassy! Or better yet, ten times more handsome than any man Grell has ever seen!! The man standing in front of him was an attractive man. His height is 5'11 (1.80 cm). The cloaked man possesses black hair and dark emerald green eyes that contrasts with his pearl-white skin. His physical appearance is that of a man between 19-21, despite being over 1000 years old. For a demon and a warrior (from the 10th century), he is well-built. Cloaked man possesses a delicate and yet masculine face, possibly due to the fact that he was a nobleman between the 11th and the 18th century's.

Grell blushed furiously, staring at the hot sexy beast.

The cloaked man said in a calmly, smooth and husky voice" I apologize that a beauty such as yourself had to see me commit such a shameful act, my lady". The cloaked man kissed Grell's hand like the proper gentleman he was. Only making Grell blushed even more.

"Well you do know how to treat a lady, handsome" Grell purred, smiling widely, showing off his shark-like teeth.

The cloaked man just smiled slightly, a gorgeous smile. And said "I apologize but I must take my leave now before my master awakes. Meeting you was a pleasure, my lady." As he bowed and like lightning, he was gone in a flash. Grell sighed dreamily. As he stared at the spot where the cloaked man once stood.

"I don't need bassy anymore, I have found my one true love now and I won't let anybody get him. He is mine!" Grell mentally yelled as love flashing in his dangerous green and yellow eyes.

'Yes, all mine.'

Meanwhile back at the Blackwood Manor, a demon butler was setting everything up for his master breakfast the demon butler seems to be doing his job in autopilot as his mind wander back to the past when he was human. The memories flashed his mind making his ruby red eyes turn into a very bright Avada Kedavra green showing in the depth of those emerald green eyes was only hate, hatred for his family, and the people who made him this way the pain the suffering he has suffered through the hands of humans.

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