Chapter 2

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(please note that this story is yaoi based and there are some lemon scenes in this chapter you have been warned)

Francis sighed in in relief when his two guest and their butlers left his office. "A crow demon and a spider I see." Francis said with a giggle "well let's see how they handle my Deadly and graceful companion. Don't you think so my dear Liam" Francis said while looking at his demon butlers Emerald green eyes? " yes my lord" Liam said as he looked at his master. Wondering what, his master wants him to do now. " Liam I have a new mission for you," Francis said and the moment he said that little phrase Liam was already standing next to Francis while his arms wrapped around his young master's waste. Pulling him closer to his chest knowing that his young master prefers it this way. So he can whisper his orders in his ear. preventing anyone from overhearing them.

"what is it that you need me to do my master?" Liam asked. in his low Dark and seductive voice.

" I want you to find Earl Phantomhive's and Earl Trancy butler's weak spot so in a battle you will have the upper hand," Francis said With a cruel sadistic smirk on his lips. Liam's eyes flashed Avada Kedavra green as he drops down to one knee hand above his heart as he said: "yes my master."

Meanwhile with Ciel and Sabastian

"Sebastian, is Liam a demon?" Ciel asked in thought. It made sense just thinking about it. Earlier, Francis almost fell from standing up from his chair and Liam caught him in a blink of an eye. "Yes My Lord he is very powerful, famous, and the deadliest demon in the underworld. he is the only one of his kind." Sebastian answered as he tucked Ciel in.

"His kind? What kind of demon is he?" Ciel asked Sebastian. He's a cat demon. everyone in the underworld calls him. "The feline demon." Ciel looked at Sebastian who had a light blush on his cheeks. Ciel stood quiet and just thought, 'why would Francis make a contract with a demon? He always cheery and hyper.'

"Goodnight My lord"Ciel heard said while he closed his eyes and said Night.

once Sebastian left his master room he walked to his room in the servants quarters Once inside of his room Sebastian was sitting on his bed, taking off his clothes and changing into his nightgown. when he was about to put it on. until he heard a most heavenly sound.

" meow"

looking toward the window Sebastian was shocked to see the most beautiful Egyptian Mau he had ever seen. The Egyptian Mau Has the lovely shade of Emerald green eyes. That he had seen on one person alone.

Sebastian gets up and walks towards the window. he was happy that his guess was Correct when he saw it was the feline demon in his cat form.

Sebastian let him in and allowed Liam to jump on his lap. Sebastian was in cloud nine as he was petting Liam's cat form. oh, Sebastian was fanboying about Liam and his so perfect black fur and his fluffy tail. Sebastian stop his inner fanboy when he noticed that Liam was looking at him with his Emerald green eyes and Suddenly Sebastian was pinned down by a very naked feline demon.

"Oh, my" Sebastian said, trying to be seductive. while his inner fanboy was screaming He looked so sexy! Liam's usual combed and stylized hair was now sexily messy and wild like a lions mane.

Long fingernails and green glowing cat eyes and his godly face in furious tiger glare. Liam's perfect pale body showing all of his beauty. Liam kissed Sebastian like a wild animal and his slender hands explored his body.

making Sebastian into a moaning mess. It felt so good, especially how rough his day has been.

Liam's skilled tongue claimed Sebastian's mouth and he instinctually rubs his leg against Liam's huge erection. Liam grunted and started to kiss Sebastian's neck, littering it with hickeys and love bites.

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