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 -Working hours have long since begun, a break is near, but doctors are slowly completing their jobs. On the break are also three doctors: Mael- psychiatrist, Anais- orthopedist and Josette- dermatologist. Mael: "I spoke with my colleague, Dr. Erwan, he wants to do some research about fear and how far can it get in some patients... He wants to see if there is a way to relieve these patients of fear in order not to lead them to serious things like suicide. He wants us to see which methods can save a person and alleviate stress, since anxiety is almost the same range of mortality as depression, especially when it becomes an absolute paranoia that changes the person's psyche." Anais:" Sounds great, you could probably try the therapy with music, I heard that music can help a lot in relieving stress." Mael: "We'll try.(smile)" Anais:" Hey, Josie, is your patient still annoying you? " Josette: "You mean Marcus? Oh ... I told him a hundred times that I have a fiancé, but he comes again with fictional symptoms just to insist again to go out with him. He can only dream, but he's really annoying, once I'll really lose my mind and get him out." Anais:" Send him to my office, maybe he will get scared of the bones I've got in my office so he'll get away! (laughter)" Josette: "These are not even real bones." Anais : "They look like they are real! The bones are so fascinating, they have such a beautiful shape ... It's a pity I will never be able to see my bones. " Mael: "You must be very skinny to see them beneath the skin, but that's not healthy." Anais: "I know ... of course I will not do that, I have normal weight and I will not change it. Here  comes dr. Roslyn." Dr.Roslyn (enters): "Oh, I had to write Marcus guidance to Dr. Erwan, this is too much, he is always here! He refuses to understand that you don't want to be with him, it seems that he is one of the these pushy boys to whom words and refusal obviously mean nothing. I was once in a similar situation." Josette:" What have you done with your guy? " Roslyn: "I've asked him for a detailed analysis of what he liked about me and an explanation why, most things had to do with the look and nothing was related to me as a person. I told him that he was superficial and that he should come back when he learn to respect a woman as a being, since I do not need someone who will love me because of my current attractiveness that will eventually disappear but because of my qualities that, I hope, will remain while I'm alive. That one gone away, but then I met Erwan and, as you can see, we are doing great, we have been married for years. If Marcus doesn't learn that he can't love only with his eyes but also with his heart then he will not be able to find a girlfriend. " Mael:" Hmm ... I'll take his case, I think there is some interesting combination of personality, wrong beliefs from childhood and negative social influences. I will try to solve this puzzle. " Anais: "What kind of a puzzle?" Mael: "The Writer once said "every human is like a puzzle that's hard to solve", so I try to look at every problem as a puzzle- if you don't merge parts well then you don't have the whole picture and you can't see what's wrong with the person. " Josette (looking at the clock): "Well, girls, the break is over, we have to get back to the patients."
Anais: "That's right, we're going to cure more people today, that's what our profession is for: we use our knowledge to cure a person, not to hurt her in any way." Roslyn (smiles): "Exactly. Medicine and science are for the benefit of people , they should not be used against them - it is inhumane and soulless because every life is important. "

Sue (looks at me): "I think my brain just exploded ... You managed to integrate all these characters into one story? I can not believe it." I: "Yes, as you can see Dr. Erwan and dr.Roslyn are now different characters who want to do the opposite from the "Experiment of fear" story- instead of bringing patients into a bad condition he wants to alleviate their symptoms, while Dr. Roslyn respects the ethics of her job. The only person who ,in a way, remained the negative figure is Marcus, I gave the option that Mael might change him, it depends on the reader. If they think he deserves to be a positive character after that brutal rape they can change him in their idea, I will leave it this way. As about Loan, she got cure in the story and I do not have to add it, but her family will therefore be part of this story." Sue (confused):" How? " Me: "Unfortunately, Loan's father has an antisocial disorder and will be Dr. Erwan's patient, but her brother, now thirty years old, will become the fiancé of the oldest of them ie Josette. He is her fiancé, his mother lives near them and makes them a company." Sue:" You really think of all the characters and all the details ... It makes sense. If Loan's brother is fine, why is the father on treatment? " Me: "Because violence is prevented in time, thereby preventing the tragedy and giving the man the opportunity to go for treatment. You know, many people with psychopathy and antisocial disorder instead of being treated go to prison, thus withholding them from the treatment they need to function in society, so they are more likely to repeat the crime. It's similar as with the substances such as drugs and alcohol, they punish the consequences but they do not solve the cause because it is easier for them to do so. I believe that every crime should be seen from the psychological side, to analyze what was the trigger for it, then to solve that cause. " Sue:" Since when do you deal with this topic? " I: "Since that goddamn lawyer arranged for my father to go to jail for no reason and since he took us so much money in vain, somehow this topic flew out. Sometimes I wonder why they ruined our lives, what is the reason? You're listening quarrels in the morning, you're scared what's next, you can't even get out at the yard because of fear ... You're there, Sue, at that time. Remember that our parents had a lot of work when you were young, that everything was fine? And now? Where is all this now?" Sue: "We lost all on lawsuits for the land and on that bastard who took advantage of our situation, the job stopped and we barely sell something, we are surviving from the sale of iron, cooper, aluminum... which hardly  covers our needs, especially since our mother spends three packs of cigarettes per day. It hurts me so much that kids are laughing at me at school for of the conditions in which I live in because we lost everything and now we are barely able to survive, let alone to afford something... (with eyes full of tears) I have to keep quiet about it, I do not want anyone to laugh at me anymore." I (wiping tears from my face): "The one who is able to laugh at someone else's pain is not normal, Sue. Just as those who have led us to it are not normal. Don't ever get embarrassed by this, it has nothing to do neither with you nor with our family, it just happened. " Sue:"We'll continue with the stories? " Me: "Yes, we have reached the story "The Home for Animals"  it already has a happy ending, so I have nothing to add." Sue (inhaled): ,,The next is... "cyanide". The most morbid story of all your stories, 10/10 on the scale of morbidity. "13 Deaths". A story that can't be changed." I (breathe in): "Yes, except perhaps some things. "Broken" is now part of the past because of the story "Lollypop", "Shot" is no longer a problem, "Crushed" is kept under control by avoiding new friendships ... This rest it's the same, but if it wasn't like that I would not be here, at this place, I would not talk to you about my stories and dig this hole. I'm doing fine, I've been able to dig a lot while we talked. " Sue (looking down): "It's not bad ... but I do not like its purpose." I (looking at her): "I can't understand how you still have that dose of optimism in you, you still think that something can change. " Sue: "The next story is my story, "It will never be better", you left me in life in it, so it was not the end ..." Me: "Of course it was not, I can not kill a person who exists in the past, that would be unnecessary because it is obvious that the story did not go as it is, as soon as I am alive. Still, you exist, here we call you Sue but you are me, only younger, just as Melody has my name but I like to call her Melody. Melody is part of the imaginary world and she's ranked with stories's characters, while you're real, you're part of my memory. "Sue:" If someone else listened this he would think that you were completely lost your mind. " Me: "Sue, this is the eighth story in the collection that says I've completely lost my mind, and you notice that now? I mean, really. It's enough chatting about it, it's time to finally connect one of my favorite couples. "


 -Daniela looked thoughtfully through the window, wincing out of her thoughts when William, her friend and boss, went in. William: "You are so thoughtful, is something bothering you?" Daniela: "For some time one thought is obsessing me, I'm afraid how will you react to it ... " William:" Hm, is it something serious?" Daniela:" You're like a father to me, so I wanted you to know ... I like one girl ." William (surprised): "I did not know you like girls." Daniela: "Me neither, but that's ... the problem is that I can not have this one in any way and I love her... There's no way we can be together. " William: "Why don't you try to meet a girl like her if you can't already be with this girl? Better to try than to suffer your whole life." Daniela: "I guess you're right ... I guess I'll be able to find a person like her." William: "How's that girl looking like?" Daniela: "She is short, about a meter and sixty, a brown hair usually tied in a tail, wearing black clothes and a chain around arms and neck ..." William :,, I do not know about the chain, but I know that I hired one such brown-eyed girl yesterday, she has a strong personality like you. You might meet her, maybe you'll be lucky she likes girls too." Daniela (smile) : "Okay, William, I'll try it for you, though I doubt I'll be lucky."

 She rose and went into the corridor, looking for a new employee in the company. William approached her, pointed toward a girl turned to the other side and said, "That's her, feel free to try." Daniela came closer, shyly greeted her and waited for the girl to turn... Daniela: "Ch... Chaina ... You are here? Aren't you ...?! How ...?" Chaina: "I am now a human being just like you, I just wanted to find you, I know you're working here." Daniela: "Wait, does that mean you're being with feelings now and you can lead a normal life?" Chaina: "I can even love. Such a great feeling, I'm so sorry I could not feel it before ... while we were in the underworld... in passionate moments... (blushing) I want to repeat everything, but this time I give you all the feelings I have, if you want it too." Daniela:" You must be kidding, of course I want! I was afraid that we will never be together, my heart only belonged to you. From today to eternity we belong to each other. "

 They approached each other, gently kissing and remaining for some time in a embrace. Chaina: "I think we should also inform your friends that all the victims from the story are fine now and that the Black Follower will not return, so that they could calm down, not to spend their literature life in fear." Daniela: Great idea, we'll do it later, after work, and then I'll take you to a special dinner." Chaina: "We're celebrating something?" Daniela: "Yes, I am honored to have the best girl in the world!" Chaina (laughs): "And I wanted to celebrate the same thing!" Daniela: "Every day is a reason for celebrating with you ... (looks her with love) I can not wait for us to enjoy, we have to make up for this time of longing. " Chaina (kisses her): "Okay, we'll make it all up, but now we have to work, the boss will be angry. (laughs)" Daniela (laughs):" He won't, but we are going anyway, after work we'll continue where we stopped. " Chaina (wink): "I'll remember where we stopped. (laughs) See you later, love! " Daniela (sends her a kiss with a smile):" See you, I'll be there if you need me. " Chaina: "I always need you, but I have you in my heart, so it's a bit easier, it's like you're there." Daniela: "Oh, that sounds pretty! Then I'll keep you in my mind so I won't lose you somewhere. " Chaina (smiles): "Agreed!"

Me: "You see, Chainela is back together, finally." Sue: "Let's see - Sage and Alton had love without intimacy, so you added that, and Chaina and Daniela had intimacy without love, so you added love." Me: "Yes, the reverse situation, but both couples are now satisfied. That's the point of this story, that everyone has a happy ending. " Sue: "Except the character of the next story." I (grumpily): "Do not bother to change my mind, you can't." Sue: "What about the other characters in the story?" Me: "So, to sum up- Weber is with Edna, Black Follower is in charge of the end of the life cycle, Frea is a model, Lunata is an actress, seventy victims became part of the story with the Lunata, Chaina and Daniela are together. As for the others, I said in the story that everything is fine, and now I have written that they will be further mitigated by the fact that the Black Follower will not return. And so, that would be all ... No, wait, Julian! " Sue: "Who is Julian?" I: "Lauren's boyfriend, I was annoyed that he has no name. He's Julian. " Sue: "Now you decided to give him a name?" Me: "When would be better time to name him if not now? (both laughed) So, even the horror story got a happy ending, without one single victim. " Sue: "So what kind of horror is that?" I: "Weird, like the person who wrote it." Sue: "I guess you will not add anything to" Lollypop. " I: "No. It is not for me to add anything, I have already written my end ... or, better to say ... I am writing it right now. There is a "The hell with luck" and to place Melody where she belongs. " Sue:"By the way, just to add something - "Lollypop" helped me as a character, because for me this topic is one of the current problems and at least it helped you a bit." Me (soft smile): "True, at least on that way your character is a bit better." Sue: "Let's hear what happened with Hjordis."

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