//jm- don't leave//

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you and jonah were best friend for years.
you met in elementary school, you had science class together.
the teacher paired you up with jonah. the two of you were lab partners but you didn't really talk to each other that much till one day jonah accidentally exploded a test tube during an experiment.
you both got detention, and had to clean up the entire school lab.
the two of you talked, and found out you have a lot in common. since that day, you became best friends.

about four months ago jonah joined a band, and everything seemed normal, he still had time to spend with you, and do things like: go to the movies, cook together or just chill at home and watch netflix.
all of these things sound like stuff couples do, but one of your favorite things about your relationship with jonah, was that you could do stuff like that without all the drama couples have.

weeks have passed by, and slowly jonah had less free time to hang out, he even stood you up last minute a couple of times, but you were completely understanding; you knew he needed to focus on the band.
they really started taking off. they were going on tours and preforming in arenas, and don't take this the wrong way, you were supper proud and supportive of him, but you did miss hanging out with him on a daily - at least weekly - basis..., having him all to yourself... without hundreds, thousands, MILLIONS of other girls screaming his name, wanting him to themselves too.
it was as if you were jealous.

jonah and you talked on the phone every day. but you still did miss him. this whole situation made you realize how much you truly need him with you.

after a couple of months, he came back from tour. your heart was happy. you missed your best friend.
you two went out to dinner at his favorite restaurant.
you had a really good time and even though you talked on the phone everyday, the two of you still had so much of catching up to do.

at the middle of dinner, he had something to tell you... he was going on tour again in a week, for 6 months. your heart shattered.
you got really frustrated... but then you got mad.
and before he could finish what he had to say, you told him exactly how you felt, you told him that he just came back! i mean how could he leave you like this?? you NEED him here with you. just his attendance in your life, just seeing him, makes you happy, and by him gone for so long... well you just couldn't take it. you LOVE him. and you can't stand having him so far away from you. especially not for so long.

you said everything that was on your chest without even considering the words that were rolling off your tongue into the atmosphere, and as they were sinking in jonah's mind, you got up and left the restaurant, right away he got up to run after you, but a bunch of fans stopped him to take a pic.

you got in your car and drove home. on your way you stopped because you couldn't pause the tears that were rolling down your cheeks.
you checked your phone and saw this
***the video***
but you saw only the first message.

you didn't reply, you just kept driving home.

the next day at about 8pm, you got a call from jonah. you felt an urge to pick up, even though you didn't want to talk to him right now.

y/n: "what do you want?"
jonah: "where are you?"
y/n: "home, why?"
jonah: "how long will it take you to get to our spot at lovers lake?"
y/n: "jonah, i'm really not in the mood for-"
jonah: "y/n, how long?"
he said cutting you off mid sentence.
y/n: "umm... about 10 minutes, why?"
jonah: "good. meet me there in 10"
y/n: "why do-"
but he hung up before you could finish your sentence.

you walked to lovers lake.
lovers lake, was a lake you and jonah used to go to almost everyday after school during middle school.
you'd just sit there together and look at the swans, and at the beautiful reflection of the sun in the water for an hour or longer, then head home.
it's called "lovers lake" because it's shape kinda looks like a heart.
you've never been there at night, so you were amazed by the reflection of both the moon and stars on he water and the swans swimming in the moonlight.

you headed to the spot where you and jonah used to sit.
when you got there you saw jonah sitting on a picnic map, with a picnic basket in the middle, and lavender scented candles that were lit up, surrounding the area and made the whole place even prettier than you remembered.

y/n: "oh my gosh what-"
jonah: "surprise! now sit, so we can finish our conversation."

you sat down next to jonah on the map.

y/n: "what's all this for?"
jonah: "what you said last night... well i feel the same way. and i'm guessing by your reaction that you didn't read all my messages..."
y/n: "no i didn't..."
you opened your phone and checked the message from yesterday
y/n: "oh my-"
jonah: "anyway, you didn't let me finish talking last night, i was gonna say, i'm leaving for tour for 6 months, and i would love it if you would come with me. i can't stand having you so far away from me for such a long amount of time either."
y/n: "oh my gosh. i'm so sorry for shouting at you i- i just got so-"
he cut you off,
jonah: "i know."
y/n: "anyway, that sounds amazing but... but what about school?"
jonah: "you can learn on the road, with me and the guys."
y/n: "what about my parents"
jonah: "i've already talked to them and they said they agree only if you say yes."
y/n: "wh- they knew and didn't say anything?!"
jonah: "y/n, so.. is that a yes?"
he smiled a little, his eyes were glossy, shining with the reflection of the stars, filled with hope.
y/n: "well yeah!"
jonah: "YES!"
he said tackling you with a hug with excitement in his voice.
jonah: "oh and by the way, before we start eating, there's one last thing i need to do..."
y/n: "what's that?"
you asked smiling.

jonah leaned towards you and let his lips collide into yours. a slow, passionate, full of love kiss was shared between you two.
you smiled at each other.
jonah: "that's what it was"
he smiled and you giggled.
jonah: "now... i don't know what about you, but i'm starving."
y/n: "that's literally all you think about. music and food."
you both laughed and started eating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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