Chapter 6: A Change of Plans

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Louis Fordstealer had been in meetings with various members of the Carolinian Parliament and unavailable for nearly two weeks. Vera wanted to make absolutely sure that they had complete privacy when Serene broke her news to him. So, to Serene's relief, they had put off telling her father about her big fuck up. However, it's now Serene's eighteenth birthday, and she's beginning to wonder if anyone will even notice. 

While sitting alone in her room, feeling sorry for herself, she says out loud, "It figures that the only person who did anything at all for my birthday is my new stepmother who hardly knows me." Seemingly, almost in response to her declaration of self-pity, her grandmother suddenly bursts into her room holding a small cake in her hands. 

At more of the irony of the situation, rather than from actual happiness, Serene smiles at her grandmother. This surprises Vera, as she expected to find Serene still wallowing in the depression that had overtaken her ever since her encounter with that Neworker boy. Flustered, Vera awkwardly begins to sing the Happy Birthday song. Serene raises her hand and touches her grandmother's shoulder stopping her, "Thank you, Grandma, I was beginning to wonder if anyone cared."

Vera gives her a warm smile, "Serene, I'm truly sorry for your circumstances, but please realize that it could always be worse. If you don't want to be miserable for the rest of your life, you're just going to have to find some happiness within yourself. Look inside your heart and appreciate that you're unconditionally loved not only by me and your father but also by the people of Fort Biltmore and all of Carolina. One day, these people will look to you to follow in your father's footsteps and become the leader that we all know you can be." 

Serene sighs, "Grandma, thank you for what you're trying to do, and I do appreciate your love, more than ever, but I just don't feel like a leader ...I'm really not sure what I feel like, besides lost. I'm sorry to disappoint you." Vera hugs her grand-daughter, "There's nothing you could ever do to disappoint me. I know this is hard for you to hear right now, but you still have lots of growing up to do. After that," she says with an air of divine confidence, "greatness is your destiny. I can just see it in your eyes, and I feel it in my old bones." 

Serene can tell there's no way to convince her grandmother otherwise, so she just shrugs and gives her another hug.

Vera uses her finger to taste the frosting on the cake, "Unfortunately, you're going to have to enjoy this delicious cake later. Your father has some time to speak to us before the ball to introduce the new first lady begins." She sighs, "Fort Biltmore's first ball, I never thought I would see the day. I heard that we're even going to be graced by the King of Texarkana's presence tonight. Anyway, you should get ready, there's not much time left. I'll check back on you in a little bit, okay?" 

Serene gives her grandmother a half smile, "Okay, I guess it's finally time to face the music, huh? I don't even care about this stupid ball. I'm just afraid of what Daddy's going to think of me." Vera stands up, "Don't worry Serene, like me, your father could never be disappointed in you. He might get upset, but I can promise that he'll understand." 

As she walks out of Serene's door, she says, "Who knows, maybe you'll meet another, even more handsome young man at the ball tonight." As her bedroom door closes, Serene says under her breath, "I think I'm done with handsome young men for a while."

Although her step-family probably expects Serene to wear the new dress given to her for her birthday, she just can't bring herself to wear it again. Every time she picks it up, it reminds her of the night she spent with Thomas. She decides to wear her long tunic that she saves for special occasions. It hangs below her knees, has deep pockets, and is cream colored with decorative red stitching, which is unusual in Carolina, since colored thread is very hard to come by. 

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