Part 1. New school:

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When I woke up in the morning, I was already feeling very exited for my first day at my new school. We moved to Busan(South Korea) a few days ago. I really miss my hometown but there is nothing to do.

After I had got ready for school, I took my stuff and walked to the bustop near my home. Students that have the same uniform as me where there, too. I decided to talk to them.

Two girls. One of them is Soovin, the other is Yeejin. Both are my age (17). As the bus arrived, we went in and sat down together. We continued talking and got to know each other.

When we arrived at school, we went in and they showed me the way to the Principals office.

After having introduced myself to the Principal, he brought me to my class. My Korean was not that good because I'm from China, but at least it is understandable. The Principal talked to the teacher and left.

"Attention! We have a new student! Hyojin please come in."

I walked in and saw everyone looking at me. It made me feel weird but that's how it is as new student I guess.

I bowed down and looked up. The teacher continued talking.

"She moved a few days ago to Korea from China, so please be nice to her and help her to improve her Korean. Hyojin, in the back next to Yixing and Yifan is a free seat. You can sit down there."

I nodded and walked to my seat. The two boys who I have to sit next to were not interested in class. One of them was sleeping and the other one was playing games on his mobile phone.

I sat down and the one who was playing games looked to me. He was like he would scan me from top to bottom. Then he spoke.

"So, you are Chinese too, huh? By the way I'm Yifan."

Now it was clear to me who he was. That means the sleeping boy is Yixing. From his name I could tell that he was Chinese like Yifan. I took a while to reply to Yifan.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Hyojin."

"You new, huh?were you able to find your way around and your classes?"


"I could help if you want."

"That would be nice. Thank you."

After class Yifan brought me to all my classes and rushed back to his.

At lunch we were together. He walked to a table full of boys. He told me that they were his friends and that we could sit there.

"Boys that is the new student, Hyojin. She moved here from China a few days ago."

The boys seemed to be nice. All if them introduced theirselves to me, but the sleeping boy from class didn't. I've already knew his name but at that moment I wanted to introduce myself but he didn't care about me and looked away. I thought it was rude of him but at least I knew the other boys, there were Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Minseok, Jongdae, Jongin, Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Luhan and Tao. With Yifan and Yixing they were called EXO and they were the coolest gang of boys of the whole school.

A few of them were part of the basketball team an the others were playing in the soccer team. They told me that they liked to dance too, and Yixing, Chanyeol and Yifan were part of the school band, too.

I could tell why they were so popular at school. They were amazing. I'm glad that they like me. But....this Yixing guy kinda didn't like me I guess. I asked myself why he's so rude to me. Did I do anything wrong without me knowing?

"So, Yixing, Yifan, Chanyeol you said that the school band needs a new vocalist. Any ideas who it could be?"

"No....It is hard to find that what we're looking for....."

After Yixing talked he sighed and looked at me. He was like he wanted to say something. He had this gaze that took my breath. After a while Chanyeol talked.

"Hyojin, you said you liked music. Can you sing?"

"I-I don't know....."

"Sing for us!"

"I-I can't sing here....there are too many people...."

Again that gaze from Yixing made me feel very uncomfortable. Then he sighed again.

"All right. After school we'll see you in the practice room for the school band."

Before I could say anything the bell for the next period rand and Yifan dragged me along to class.

Class finished and I put my unnecessary books in my locker.

Not knowing Tao stood next to me.

"Hey, hey Hyojin. You done?"

I nodded and closed my locker.

"Let's go then!"

Again I got dragged with him. He brought me to the practice room of the school band. Seeing everyone waiting for me made me nervous. Now I stood in front of everyone.

"What song will this pretty girl choose?"

I wanted to sing one of my favorite songs. 

"It is called 'Breathing from Guo Junchen."

Chanyeol had the notes for the Piano and waited until I was ready. After I was ready he started playing and when it was time to sing I began to sing.

At first I was so nervous but then I felt like I was all alone in my room singing my favorite songs. The boys were amazed by my voice. Yixing showed again no emotions and only gave me a gaze that scared me  and all my nervosity came back. I stopped singing and was blushed. He did something to me what scared me and I stood there in front of everyone and just looked at him.

He stood up and walked towards me.

"All right she's in."

After saying that no one said a word. I couldn't even hear anyone breathing. Why is this guy so cold? And why is he so rude towards me?

To be continued.... 

𝓛𝓮𝓽'𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 [EXO school/Lay FF]Where stories live. Discover now