answer to questions

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1. What is the story behind the challenge?

It all began with an horrible plague that attacks the x chromosome. This plague strike at any age but the end result is there will be no men in your town. However, by some strange circumstance one Male born, every cycle of a life time from ya to elder, manages to make it from baby to elder. It how the woman of our city will reproduce.

2. Tell me something to make me interested in reading more about the challenge.

In some challenges u can't cheat or only one cheat is allowed. In this challenge u can cheat at almost everything and use mods and custom content. The goal is not to struggle but live like queens. After all this city is ran by woman. Please tell me u never thought the world would be better if girls ran the world. However, there are some limitations as to how the chests are used. I will explain in the rules.

3. Is it based on another existing challenge?

I have done some search and a lot of reading looking to see if there are any like this. To my luck no but there are so many that start with only two people and empty world or fill the town with our own bloodline. I feared that it's so close it may not even be considered or lost but u will never know unless u try.

4. Is it a complete challenge with a beginning, middle and end?

Yes, the beginning starts with our female with some unique, all unique feature or just plain. Ditto for the Male. Details explained in the rules.

Middle, January, the first Male to survive, is the only person to care for the girls and any and all Male babies, must die before they reach adult age. Explained in rules. In the story they die from plague but for fun we can imagine that the amazons sacrifice their Male bloodline to their God the grim reaper via..cowplant, vampire, werewolf, zombie, starve or just force kill.

End, once every career is filled with ur ya daughters. And u have gone through 10 months and 12 if u want to make it harder and last longer, also explained in the rules. U have won and u can just let story Progression play out the rest of everyone life.

5. How do I start, how do I play and what is the ultimate goal or how do I 'win'?

I answered it just about above and when I get to the rules I will explain more in detail. Please don't be afraid ask anything that pops into ur head. I'm almost sure any and all questions will be answered by the time u finish reading.

6. Do the rules or guidelines seem reasonable and can goals set by the challenge actually be achieved?

The rules seem reasonable enough and since u can cheat just about everything it makes the games really ez. However, don't think there's no challenge. There will be some reg game playing involved.

7. Has the person posting the challenge play tested it?

As I am typing this challenge out, I am currently on my second Male heir, his name is February and he is still a child. As I play my own challenge I have run into some hiccup and since had to pause to think them out. So I'm almost sure that any questions that could be asked I have an answer.

8. I know its a bit much to read but there are very important details on every page. Im sorry its so long but im trying to caught every important thing and hiccups along the way. So please read carefully and if u have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask. And once again thank u for taking the time out for reading and i really hope u enjoy playing the challenge. Be blessed.

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