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As u know all males children must die before or at ya hood. So what every u do and whenever u do it that's the time limit. I will explain one Male child in the heir page. Look

All infant can be aged asap or within 24 sim hours. Yes a baby for a day or less. If u want to make it harder u can keep them as babies as long as the lifespan will allow. No cheating on never aging the babies up.  The traits can be randomized or u can hand pick each. Trust me u get tired after the third or fourth child. 

Once the baby's become toddlers the fun begins. U have to buy all toys that help with delevement. In the house I mention early it has 3 teddy bears, 3 block toys, 3 xylophones, 2 doll house (just because they are cute) and one toy box.

No cheating allow on skills. The only cheat allowed is to make click make all happy mailbox cheat. All toddlers must be taught to walk and talk before they can even be considered to aged up. I would wait for them to max all three kid skill, cooking, blocks and music. I do believe that is all theres is, if there is more please shoot me a link. Potty training is not important but if u want to make it harder u can add that in too.

Once all things have been mastered then the kids can be aged up. Now there are a new set of rules. All kids must go to school. All after school activies must be done. Homework is a must. No cheating on school performance. All kids must make honor roll, straight A students. Also as I play the only books they can read is logic. So try to max their logic and they can paint, play music write and play chess. Believe it or not they cant fix thing like click repair but if u have the master controller mod. U click on the child portrait and then click on the house under master controller u go to repair all. The notification at the top will say the child did the repair. Not sure if it counts toward their handiness skill but it worth a try. I have done it a lot but never checked the skill once they became teens. Seeing how the skill wont show up til then.

Either by force aging or just letting the kids grow up, however u play. The kids reach teen age. All rules above apply. Part time jobs, after school activities, reading, writing, playing music, chess, working out, gardening, cooking, collecting, fishing and fixing things to even paying Bills are a must. By this age all my girls mastered logic. Before any child reaches ya hood they have to mastered the skills needed for whatever career u plan on putting them in.

Once all criteria have been met either by force aging up or game play time kids reach ya. Yeaaaah!  Congratulations.  Each daughter should have in their inventory  two main things. A death flower and a car. If playing an expansion pack whatever else they need. For example I play supernatural my girls that are witches get to keep the most expensive wand.

If u started in a almost empty world, like I did in testing, then a very simple 1 bedroom. 1 bath cabin should be all over ur world. ****The reason for 1 bedroom, single bed, 1 bath house is so there will be no pc male hooking up without u knowing.   If u have the right mods, u should see the, quoting the exact words minus the illegal part, "happy (illegal) couple looking for a new home to start their new family." *****With the exception of your house.  Mods and money cheats can help them move with no problem. If u want to group ur kids, meaning kids with one mom all in one house, that's fine too.

Every important note. The girls that are born and have reached ya hood before the Male heir is born will have to stick around. So u may have two or three ya daughters to stick around to help raise the youngers kids.

If this happens, u would fix ambrosia for the girls and have them eat it before they move out. U want all ya Amazons to have a fresh start when leaving u house.

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