forty seven

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"You're going to have to be careful with him," were Dick's first words to Tye when she finally shrugged off the blanket and looked up to him. She looked exhausted and he felt awful about it, the messed up blonde hair and the dark rings under her eyes. "He's... I'm not going to say mentally unstable, I won't, but... He did kind of shoot me in the shoulder, Tye, and it hurt like a bitch." 

He watched her nod, pulling her pink lip into her mouth and chewing on it for a moment. "I'm sorry," she finally told him, "I know it's my fault he's angry and upset and I know I should go in there and not totally just hug him and cry, but I think that's all I can manage right now." She sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve, seemingly not caring about how presentable she looked. He wouldn't either, not after all she'd been through recently. "I just wanna hold him, Dick. I have years to be upset, but..."

"I get it," Dick said softly, taking her hand and leading her to the room they were keeping Jason in for the time being. He unlocked it, opened it up and Tye nearly choked.

He was in there, fast asleep, sitting up against the wall. It was only when she took her first step in that his eyes jolted open and he looked up at her. It didn't take her long after she noticed him being awake to absolutely just fall against him when he stood up.  Smaller hands grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and she pulled him close, not to kiss him, but to rest her face in his neck.

He smelt like home; like a stupid little bit of vanilla and that leather jacket he wouldn't get rid of.

She heard the door shut and she knew it was Dick, leaving them with time alone, but she didn't know why she didn't turn to face him. She kept her face buried in Jason's shoulder for only God knows how long until he finally pulled her away, bracing both hands on her shoulders. He was grounding himself, reminding himself that she was there, and she wasn't some hallucination he was having after one too many drinks. 

He put a hand on each of her temples and pulled her head close enough to press his lips against her forehead, resting his head against her own. "Tye," he said softly, barely rising above a whisper, "I was so... Scared."

"I didn't know what to do," she told him, voice shaking with each word, "I wanted to be a hero and save myself, but... I couldn't -- there were so many guys and I--"

He cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips, and while it seemed dismissive, she knew what he meant. She didn't have to explain. She could take care of herself, and God, why had Dick known so much better than him? Why did Dick know more about her than he did? Did he not listen enough, did he not pay enough attention to her silly radio choices and--

He paused, his eyebrows drawing together. He wasn't there with her at night, he'd never seen what she could do because he was scared she would distract him, but that was what it was. He didn't see her on the force day-to-day, he didn't see her kick ass at night. He saw her as something to protect, something to reach his arms around and cradle.

He needed to see her as she was. 

She was a full-grown woman, and while she could be gentle and careful with things, she knew how to fire a gun, knew how to throw a punch. Sometimes he couldn't see it in her, but he needed to.

"I love you," he told her quietly, instead of telling her anything else.

It was enough, for now. She curled her fingers into his shirt collar, took a deep breath and nodded into the crook of his neck. 

"I know you do."

After a long moment of silence, he backed up, leading her toward the little cot they had set up for him. They weren't monsters, after all, and Dick knew Jason was still his family. When Tye knew what he was doing finally, she sat down and then laid her head against his shoulder, exhaling now. "My mom warned us," she said quietly, tracing little fingers up his arm until she reached his hand, linking their fingers together. "She said Black Mask had plans for us -- me -- and... I didn't listen to her, did I? I'm an idiot, Jason."

He squeezed her hand softly. "He's not a monster you have to run away from," he said to her, "don't call him that. Name's Roman, not some monster you have to lock in the closet, and -- I'll get him for this. I'll make him fuckin' pay, Tye. He's not allowed to--"

"Don't," she said, voice nearly drowning in her throat. "Not like... God, not like that guy you..."

Not like that guy you killed, she didn't want to say.

He knew what she meant, he usually did. 

He didn't know what to do though. He couldn't promise her that he wouldn't shoot Roman dead on his feet the next time he saw the guy, he couldn't, and the anger curling in his gut was enough to destroy worlds.

So, he inhaled, exhaled and pushed a hand through her hair. She needed a shower, maybe the longest nap of her life, and a home-cooked meal; all of which Jason was prepared to offer to her when they got home. "Let's talk to Dick," he said after a moment, watching her gentle eyes pull back open like it took some effort to stay awake for this long, "I've got some apologies in order and I need someone to buffer in case of emergency. Then, promise, I'll take you home."

"Mm, Prince Charming, aren't you?"


hi, at this current time, i've been planning the last couple chapters of this book!

it's gonna last until chapter fifty.

i don't currently have any sequel plans but if you guys really want one, i wouldn't have any problem writing one. let me know what your thoughts are through these last couple chapters! <3

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