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Someone can take you or your relation granted because firstly it's You who took yourself and relation granted.

If someone is not understanding atleast for once you should try. In marriage you cannot sit and wait for perfect time to resolve any problem or wait for your partner to solve the matter one has to take step and Communication which should be present in any relation which lacked in Arnav-khushi's relation.

But in all this most important thing which khushi lacked was she did not know her value.

Well destiny has her own way to do every work and we think its we who do everything.

Next morning
when arnav get up he did not found khushi on bed
" must in kitchen " said arnav looking at the clock which was showcasing 7am

He got up and after 20mins he come downstairs after getting ready.

Arnav take elders blessing and said good morning to anjali and goes to sit on his place

" Chotae last night when did you came at home?" asked anjali taking bread

" around 11 why happened? " said casually arnav without knowing for him this is fine but there was someone for whom his coming late at night specially when he went out with his so called ex which actually khushi know because arnav never cleared his relation with Sheetal and Sheetal used this thing against Khushi and said khushi lie which khushi still waiting for that one day arnav himself will tell her that Sheetal and he dated in their College time in States.

Here khushi's first mistake was she did not tried to ask arnav about what Sheetal said her second mistake was she took herself Granted if she has not taken herself and this marriage  granted then she must had been ask to arnav.

" Why did you got so late?" asked payal which she knew is actually ridiculous question because if you go in some party how much it will take you yourself rarely knows but still payal asked

" Actually we has came back early itself but after party around 10 we went on long drive as Yesterday weather was very nice ( payal raised her eyebrows hearing sheetal who just enter in Dinning room. Sheetal especially pressed on 'Long Drive ')

" Long Drive?"

" Yeah long drive in States whenever there was such type of weather we ( sheetal looked at arnav) always went out leaving our every work " said sheetal to anjali but her main intention to tell this to khushi and to hurt n jealous Khushi.

As its not easy for any wife to listen her husband's so called College dating moments so obviously she will feel pain

" Correct arnav " said sheetal looking at arnav

" Yeah and i have to buy your favourite ice cream else you never let us come back " said arnav with a smile remembering his collage days which was normal for him but for Sheetal those moments were very special and for khushi at present were like killing.

No more able to bear torchure khushi decided to go back in her room

" Khushi your breakfast?" asked anjali
" No di i will have my breakfast later i have some work to do" said khushi
anjali nodded her head

While Sheetal she understood the reason of khushi not having breakfast she was happy finally one more time she was able to give pain to khushi but here she dont know when everything will be cleared out what will be the result.

Arnav did not tried to stop khushi and he remain busy in newspaper

Khushi was sitting in Pool area and watching still water suddenly her mobile beeps she open e-mail account and open new mail .

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