chapter 13 : Kisses & Promises

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                      Meera's P.O.V

I decided to put the fresh orchids in the vase that Dev bought when my leg slipped I squealed and closed my eyes in fear hoping to land on floor but felt strong arms around my waist and similar cologne filled my nostrils

I opened my eyes to watch pair of hazel eyes staring right back at me with concern and amusement flickering in his eyes I sighed relaxing a bit knowing I was not gonna kiss the floor and hurt my backside

"I didn't know you were so eager to see me that you fell right in my arms" he said smirking at me

"Two weeks did you no good still as cocky as ever" I said while snorting

"Ooh I'm so sorry for disappointing you it's not like I was busy these two weeks" he said sarcasm dripping in his tone I eyed him up he was wearing three piece suit well that's first he's not wearing his casual clothes I thought he doesn't like three piece

"Well aren't you looking professional Mr Connors " I said with a smirk his cheeks went a light color of red well he's blushing in simple words but he's smart enough to not let me catch it he quickly wears his usual smirk

"Well don't act like you're not impressed" he said with his usual smirk "and if I'm not wrong I'd say you're enjoying being in my arms well I am but sweetheart I'm starting to get cramps" he said making my cheeks heat up I realised our position he was still holding me up by my waist while I had my hands around his neck I quickly shot up slightly pushing him away I heard him chuckle well of course he'll laugh at my misery ugghhh

"Shut up Matt" I said while glaring at him I was walking away smiling a little I won't admit but I missed him these two weeks without him were hell the kids plus work I was slightly annoyed at myself despite of not wanting I started depending on someone again which is bad but again it's Matt, Matthew Connors the guy who saved me from my misery the guy who gave me a reason to live The guy I owe my life to and before all of this the guy I hated the most my worst enemy...I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard squealing and giggling I walked in my lounge to find Matt laying on the ground with my two Satan's sitting on top of him

"Dadaaa stop it pricks" Mili whines as Matt rubs his stubble on thier cheeks while Ronny tries his best to wiggle out of his father's hands

Their bond always warms my heart there was time when Matt wasn't ready to face the kids after that incident he always had reasons to not see them but things changed a lot he warmed upto them I smiled as I thought about that time

I shake my head and look at my three monkeys laughing

"Right kids get up right now let your dad freshen up he's had a long day I'm sure he's hungry plus as soon as he eats he can tuck you guys in with a new nice story" they started screaming with joy when they heard the last few lines they always get happy when Matt tucks them in bed cause he spoils them with chocolates and ice-cream secretly

"Guys what's all this noise abou" before khushi could complete her sentence she squealed and hugged Matt

"Omg Matty it feels like it's been months since I last saw you" khushi said with a chuckle

"Well because I guess it's been 2 months since you last saw me when u married that baboon and took off on long honeymoon" Matt chuckled while Khushi pouted

"What the fuck man I'm not a fucking baboon you rascal" Dev shouted while Aarav and Matt snickered I threw a pillow at Dev while Khushi glared at him

"What did I do now" Dev asked looking shocked making Aarav and Matt laugh a little

"There are two small kids in this room you thick skulled animal" khushi said with a hard glare that shut Dev up completely he kept pouting at her making Aarav and Matt laugh

"God I missed this craziness" Matt said while pecking Khushi's forehead and making some weird handshake with the two boys and hugging them

As Soon as Matt came back after freshening up We all ate dinner the dinner however I thought would be a quite affair but it wasn't since the guys decided to discuss about cricket making khushi jump with excitement dammnn this girl is a huge cricket fan I mentally groaned being surrounded by such cricket freaks, it was always a headache being the only one to dislike it while others enjoyed

After dinner Matt and the guys decided to Watch The Boss Baby with kids leaving me Khushi to clean I would've started a good argument on how he should be helping instead of chilling but I guess he deserved that after being away from kids for two weeks the time he needed to give them

After their little show they all decided to leave short hugs were exchanged between the mans while khushi gave the kids a big wet sloppy kiss on their cheeks making their face cringe in disgust that made everyone giggle I smiled at my small family this is my life now and these are my people who appreciate me respect me and most importantly Love me

After I took a quick warm shower and changed in my pyjamas I decided to go check on the kids and Matt when Mili and Ronny were born Matt was quite distant but after a few weeks he couldn't stop himself he loves the kids more than anything

"Promise me dada you won't go far away without us we missed your bedtime stories and kisses" I heard Mili's soft voice 

"I promise princess now come on close your eyes and sleep otherwise mommy will get angry" Matt said softly making me chuckle

"Hawww dada is also sc..scwared of mommy" Ronny said with soft giggles

"It's not scwared doofus it's scared" Mili corrected her brother with a soft laugh

"Whahtevel" Ronny said with a pout

"First of all I'm not scared of your mommy and if you kids don't sleep now no icecream tomorrow" I heard Matt whisper but he failed miserably that guy can't whisper even to save his life the kid's giggled and soft snores followed after awhile

Ahhh I missed this there are times when I think about my past life but it only brings pain heartbreak and sadness but then there's this life that has given me so much to cherish


Done done done

Posted after a very long time but I hope it was good

So Matt and Meera who would've thought

I miss Rohan's rude attitude do you too?

I think it's time Rohan enters again neh what do you guys think

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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