chapter 10 : I Lost Everything

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                Rohan's P.O.V.

I stood numb as I seen the empty room that was once beautiful, completely destroyed my heart was aching as my burnt sketches halted beneath my feet the same eyes beautifully sketched, that once made my heart skip a beat layed down giving painfull aches in my heart the frames that Meera once hanged on the wall with so much adoration were laying broken on the floor my trophies that she kept in her room were shoved in a boxes, I looked around the room hoping to find her curled up in a corner crying so I could console her beg for her forgiveness but the only thing that caught my attention was a paper that was neatly folded on her dressing table

My hands were shivering my forehead was sweating profusely I didn't want to touch the paper that had my name written on it in Capital letters "Mr Nanda" I took the paper carefully in my hands trying to ignore the lump in my throat began to read

Mr Nanda

Rejection is what I've always faced so it's nothing new...Congratulations Mr Nanda you finally got rid of your biggest problem as in "me" you always wanted Meera out of your house your life so finally she's out but remember one day you'll also face the pain of rejection that I've always faced ... remember one thing that I've learnt that love always comes with a price mines was catching the thorns disguised as roses you threw at me whenever you could yet I couldn't conquer the love i wanted from you...there'll come a day when you'll beg for love but all you'll get is darkness that's the day you'll realise what I went through I couldn't say these words when you kicked me out of your room after crushing my heart and soul in tiny pieces but now I hope this letter reminds you are Nothing but a hopeless guy who lost everything despite having everything I want to see you beg for love like I begged you but I know you'll never cause there is no love it was always Lust for you am I right I guess you were right about one thing we don't belong together because you never deserved my Love know what you are Nothing but a coward whose scared to accept things, you just want things done your way well guess what Rohan at least you won your biggest achievement destroying me well done and good luck for future

                              No one important

Her every word pierced my heart she's right I am a coward because I kept pushing away the only person who cared for me who loved me selflessly she never asked for anything yet gave everything she's right I threw thorns at her yet she catched them like roses but you are wrong about one thing Meera I wish I could prove you wrong it was never Lust it was always Love i will beg Meera I will beg just come back and let me repent all my mistakes just let me hold you until every bad thing fades and good remains...let my soul fix your soul Meera come back I collapsed on the floor screaming my lungs out I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Meera" I whispered

"No, she's gone Rohan Meera is gone " Daadi whispered tears flowing through her eyes her lips quivering soft sobs escaped her lips as she looked in my eyes harshly making me flinch

"SHE'S gone she'll never come back because you Rohan Nanda could not man up to tell her how you exactly felt so you did what you can do the best break her you always kept breaking her Rohan yet she loved you but today You broke her beyond repair her love was pure but in your eyes she was nothing but a forbidden girl I guess this is your punishment Rohan karma always comes with a bang and your punishment is to realise your Forbidden girls value for you to yearn for her love like she did for your love...I don't know what to say Rohan but today you lost the only good thing that kept you away from darkness" Daadi said with disgust in her eyes

I let her down  I let my parents down no I will never let you go Meera I will bring you back in my life I'll fix everything I'll repent I'll beg I'll do everything possible just to have you back in my life daadi is right I lost the only good thing that ever happened to me she was the good that removed evil from my mind she was that sunshine that always disrupted my darkness I lost her I Lost Everything without her I'm nothing I always gave up on us Meera because I was a coward but now I won't I'll fight and mend your heart

                     Author's P.O.V.

Rohan left as soon as he realised that she left he started driving around aimlessly hoping to find her somewhere down the street because of his foolishness he lost his love the only person who could pull him out of darkness was gone stopping near the bus station he ran around like crazy with her picture asking everyone if they seen her anywhere but nobody did just like that he went straight to airport he knew if not bus she'll probably take a flight back to US that's the only place she went and knew

"Excuse me has a lady named Meera verma boarded any flights today" he asked the lady on the counter

"Sorry Sir but we cannot give details about our passengers it's strictly not allowed" the lady answered politely

"Look I don't give a fuck about your fucking rules just give me the damn information" he scream at her he looked dangerous if looks could kill she would've been buried by now he ran his fingers through his already dishevelled hair he was a mess you could clearly see as if sensing trouble the lady decided to speak

"Wait a minute Sir...ummm no Sir Meera verma didn't board any flight today I'm sorry" the lady said in a shaky breath as the handsome devil stood looking more dangerous than a werewolf

"Check properly maybe it was urgently booked today with some other name" he asked desperately

"No Sir no urgent bookings were done today by any lady only one booking was done today but it was done by a guy" she said feeling sorry for Rohan

He felt like everything was gone in that moment he felt empty, blank, drained and unwanted he was feeling rejected like she felt maybe it's really karma

On the other side Meera was walking aimlessly on the road she had given her everything to a man who didn't care who only pushed her away isn't she was suppose to feel happy after leaving the cruel man behind but no she felt more pain if possible like her soul was aching for something rather than this...this was not suppose to happen but she swore to never return back

As she was walking she didn't notice a car coming towards her but when she did everything went blank.....

Rohan kept driving like a mad person not noticing the heavy truck coming from other side but it was too late to notice as his vision betrayed him making everything pitch dark....


So from next chapter new beginnings
Whose excited😁

Sorry guys for the long wait but was busy in weddings and functions but will try and post weakly if possible..

New characters coming up...can't wait to introduce them..😆😋


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