Erics burger job

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                          Point place, Wisconsin
                  Eric Forman's House
                            11:30 AM
When I wake up I look at the time and realize how much I overslept. I wasn't that shocked tho, every time I sleep here I just pass out. Compared to my bed Erics bed is a blessing from the gods.

When I finally get the motivation to get up i go downstairs. To see that Eric was in the couch watching tv. I sit next to him and tell him thank you onces again for earlier. No surprise tho he says what he always says that I shouldn't mention it. With this being said I decide to not keep taking about it since Ik it'll just end up in him giving me a speech on why it's no bother to him. And the speech is good honestly, I've just heard it 10 times already. So it gets kind of old.

"You know there's food in the fridge" Eric says paying attention to what he was watching. I give him a quick thanks for the offer. Even if I wasn't gonna eat anything it's still really nice of him to offer.

But in complete honesty I wasn't hungry at all, I was still too shocked about what happened between me and Hyde. I liked it tho, a little too much.

"Eric, I really trust you so I'm gonna tell you something but you can't freak out man. Or tell anyone understand?"

"Yeah man" he says now paying attention to me

"So, Hyde and I kinda kissed" I say looking at him to see he's reaction. It wasn't what I was expecting. I thought he would be disgusted but he wasn't he looked kinda exited.

"The same thing happened to me, well not with Hyde of course that would be disgusting. But with Donna" he says with a smile.

I honestly always expected them to be together it was just a matter of time.

"But dude, I think you and Hyde would make a great couple if that's what you want? I mean since you told me about the kiss I supposed you liked it? Or it disgusted you?"

"No I liked it, like a lot man." I say looking at him

"Well like I said, I think this is a good thing. I trust Hyde to be good to you" he says smiling at me

I smile back at him " Yeah I guess"

"You know I actually have something to tell you too, I got a job, a horrible job but it's a job" he says with a face of disgust

"Well good luck with that Eric I say laughing at the face he makes.

We both jump a little when we hear a knock at the door. But it was just Fez and Kelso who after Eric let's in start talking about random shit.

After a few minutes Donna and Jackie and soon after Hyde came as well. So it was all of us together again. Just taking about bs and laughing.

Moments like this make it worth it.

Wow I actually updated this story I hope y'all liked it 😂
I hope to be posting more now that I'm in summer break and I didn't fail any of my classes. Thank fucking god bc that shit wasn't easy.
But yes expect me to post more often if you guys have any suggestions feel free to comment them or dm them to me.
Also if I have any spelling errors sorry English isn't my first lenguaje.

I hope all of you have a nice day tho and thanks for reading my story 🖤

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