5: The Treaty

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^^ Chief Sakura Katachi ^^

— James —

The town was built of stone, with ceramic tiles on the roofs and glazed earthen and also ceramic pottery as proof of their technological level. I saw metal in use, but mostly in tools and weapons; it was apparently more useful for weapons than cooking utensils, which I understood.

However, the town was not necessarily bustling with business, and in fact I saw very few things on display, and even less for sale; none, actually. "Why is there nothing for sale?" I asked Ken, stopping out of the way.

"Hmm? Ah, yes, we don't have a Currency, here. It's a trade system. Each of the four villages has what everyone else needs. We farm medicines, -except for, of course, the White Spirit Apples that are for you,- while the Dragons Hunt in the Elysian Field, where the rest of us dare not tread, the Dryads manage our firewood, and the Orcs manage our Metals, with their iron and coal mine. In return, we give medicines, and repair their tools and weapons. So, there's no need for money. Though, every once in a while we get travelers who only have gold and silver to trade, and we work with them on that front; gold and silver do have their uses, after all." Ken shrugged.

"Oh... and that Green field surrounding us... when does it stop?" I asked slowly, looking out at it, visible even from here in the middle of town.

"It's 200,000 leagues across, and we're dead-center. The Capital, the Holy City, is about twenty leagues west, and there's one other city, the Kingdom of Dwarves, but that's beneath our feet, or, more specifically, beneath the lake. The Field is full of dangerous creatures, divine and demonic beasts that would be too much for anyone weaker than a 3rd Form to fight. The Dragons that live here are the strongest Monsters in the Land, though they are mostly scholars. The dryads are almost as strong, though, and they're mostly Earth Mages." He nodded.

I nodded slowly, and looked around. "And you have Water Spirits here under your protection? How did that come about, if Water is your weakest Element?"

"It is because water is our weakest element that we volunteered our lake to shelter them." A small Kijin woman, -around my height,- with pink hair and the same heavy, bent horns as Ken appeared between us, her beautiful white and red robes flapping in the soft summer breeze.

Ken flinched, while I gazed at her calmly. "I am James Taaliyah... I take it you are Ken's... Wife? No, sister?" I asked slowly.

"Indeed, I am his sister, and the Chief of our little Clan... I am Sakura Katachi, and it is pleasant to finally meet you, Sage-Sama." She bowed her head, and all sound in the square stopped.

"Oh damn it all..." I muttered, as people began rushing over, and bowing along with the Chief.

Ken patted my shoulder awkwardly, seeing how uncomfortable I was, and cleared his throat. "SILENCE!!!" The chattering and cheering of the crowd again stopped. "The Sage is returned from his Meditation in the Spirit World; he is staying in the new Silver Tree Grove, which is visible from here; do not pester him, but you are free to visit the shrine and seek his wisdom there, after the Shrine Maidens make sure you are Cleansed. Am I clear?!?" He barked, and they bowed, swiftly backing away and returning to their previous tasks, albeit with quite a bit more staring and less work.

"Thank you, though you didn't have to make it sound like they were a bother." I sighed.

"Weren't they?" He asked cluelessly, and his sister chuckled.

"Forgive my brother, he's a bit of a meat-head." She linked her arm into mine, and began walking. "It is so nice to have someone my height around, you know? Now, what would you like to see first? I am much better company than my brother."

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