23: Mars, the War-Born

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^^ Mars ^^

— Hallox —

"-you're hidden from view and intangible, but you never moved. I planned on something similar for the Monster Continent. Let the humans fight over what's left." The sage snorted at Janus's arrogance, and shook his head.

Janus gazed at my master in silence for a moment, and then shook its head. "No, I don't think that's correct, but I suppose you're welcome to your opinion. As to the subject of Slave Transfer, we may accept... perhaps."

"Your choices are to return all our people, -and the humans,- back to us or die, so I hope you do accept. If you refuse, our banner becomes Bronze, and we trample you back into the muck where all Slavers and Slave Traders belong."

My Master only growled softly, but the air in the room shivered visibly away from him, as if the sky itself feared his wrath, (as well it should). Everyone in the room noticed it, and every single one of the Lords shivered slightly, making me smirk.

Calais chuckled, making me look at the large Construct Demon covered in thorns. "Normally, I would be irate at such a threat, but I agree with your assessment of Slavery, and of those who practice it." His lifeless metal eyes pulsed red as he glared at his rival King.

I blinked slowly, thinking about the General He'd sent to the town with the slaves a year ago. 'Perhaps he hadn't ordered the General to protect the slave trade, only to provoke us? Hmm...'

The two-faced individual scoffed at him inelegantly, and shook its head. "Slavery has existed since the dawn of time-"

"That it has. And it has always been wrong!" Calais roared, slamming a massive fist into the table and cracking it nearly in half, but it stayed standing.

"Mm... to think I'd side with the Lord of Slaughter... if you keep slaves, Janus, you are my enemy. None of my enemies have ever survived. Remember that, and make an informed decision." My Master nodded and stood up, bowing his head a little as a move of respect to Calais.

He inclined his head slowly, and looked back at the smaller King. "With that, the Thing is adjourned... and the Ban on Violence is lifted. Shall I challenge you to a Duel? Or would the Sage like to? I'll happily fight both of you."

I nearly stepped forward at the threat, but my master's response halted me in my step.

"Oh, the ban on Violence is gone? Hallox, child, pick a fight with someone of your skill level? I'd like to see your progress." My master, likely feeling my rage as I was so close to so many Demon Lords, (egged on by the sword in my Pocket, which begged me constantly, wordlessly, to spill Demon Blood,) ordered me to fight the Demon Lords, and then looked at the Demon Kings, unaware or unaffected by my immense surge of loyalty and gratitude.

"Some entertainment for us? We watch and then decide whether or not we fight?" He continued, taking a seat on the other side of the table, now, so he could see the whole arena, and judge my fighting.

My glutes tightened a little, reflexively, as I realized he would likely 'train' me severely if I messed anything up, and his punishment trainings were what I imagined Hell would be like. I resolved instantly to kill my opponents in the most spectacular of ways, and to kill the most challenging opponent in here.

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