Living With One Direction For Three Weeks... Fun!

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Zayn’s P.O.V 

I sighed, she was a total nutcase. I had never seen her like this before, maybe it was because she was going to be sharing a house with boys for three weeks. I sat down on the cream leather couch before turning on the TV. I discovered that Toy Story was on, I groaned. Liam turned around to discover his favourite show on; he squealed and jumped on the couch, hitting me in the face with his foot. 

“Thanks for that Liam!” I yelled, rubbing my face. 

I got up off the couch and went to my room, looking at the freshly clean sheets that had been laid before we got there. “Nicky!” Louis called; she came running into the living room. 

“Huh?” She said, looking at Louis. 

“I forgot to tell you something before….” He replied, looking at the ground. 


“I found a photo in your room of you with fluro green undies on your head and red lipstick in circles on your cheeks.” He said; her face went bright red as she stared at the ground in embarrassment. Niall, Liam, Harry and I all doubled over in laughter. 

“It isn’t funny!” She pouted, crossing her arms and pushing her bottom lip out. 

“Oh I’m sorry Nicky, but you have to admit, that is kind of funny” Harry said, still chuckling. She shook her head and sat down on the floor with her legs crossed “Okay, maybe it was a little funny. I looked like a total dork though!” she uncrossed her arms and giggled a little. 

“Guess what” She shouted, popping up like a jack-in-the-box. 

“What?” Harry replied, in a much quitter voice. “I’m hungry” she whispered. I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen, pulling out a loaf of bread and some cheese. “What you making?” she asked, leaning against the doorway. 

“Grilled cheese” I replied, she smiled. 

“I smell food!” Niall called, running past Nicky making her fall over onto the cold tiled floor. Harry came running over “Are you okay?” he asked, this was the second time that Nicky had fallen over and Harry had come to her rescue like a knight in shining armour. 

“Yes, I’m just fine! Where am I sleeping?” she asked enthusiasm in her eyes. 

“Spare room,” Harry pointed to the room next to his. She grabbed her suitcase and ran up, opening the door and dumping it on the bed. “Lemme know when food’s ready, I really want to have a shower!” she called, slamming the door behind her. 

I turned back to making the food; Niall was hovering over me like a desperate animal. 

“No,” I yelled. “Keep your hands away from the food Niall” he pouted before stomping away and sat on the couch with Liam, who was still enthralled in Toy Story. I put the cheese sandwich in the pan and grabbed a car magazine while I waited for it to cook. 

Liam’s P.O.V

I know I looked like I was stuck into watching Toy Story, but I was thinking about Nicky. Ever since I first met her I thought she was beautiful, ever since this morning. I had a slight crush on her, do you believe in love at first sight? I do, because I have a feeling I am in it. 

“I’m back, is the food ready?” I heard Nicky call, who came down stairs in hot pink pyjama short and a white singlet. Her hair was in a messy bun on her head; I couldn’t help but stare at her. When Zayn came in with the food, I quickly turned my head back to the screen. 

He handed everyone a grilled cheese sandwich, within five minutes Niall had scoffed his down and asking for more, but Zayn had only made enough for every one of us. I ate slowly as I looked at the screen; Woody was stuck in Sid’s house, trapped like a bug. 

Nicky’s P.O.V

I grabbed a grilled cheese off of the plate Zayn was passing around and I sat on the floor and flicked the channel to the footy. “Hey!” Liam yelled, trying to take the remote off of me. “No, I am going to watch the football and you can’t stop me!” I retorted, poking my tongue out at him. He just smiled and fell back into the couch. 

“So, you like football?” Harry asked, taking water from the fridge and sitting next to me. I nodded my head “My dad used to watch it all the time when I was a little kid, he got me into it. I know how to kick a footy” I replied.

“I used to play football when I was 16. Was in a team” he said, smiling. I smiled back; I still had a huge crush on him because of his smile and his dimples. Anyway, getting off the subject, I turned back to watched the footy. One of the players was hit in the shin “Ooh!” I screamed, standing up. 

The boys were looking at me funny. 

“What?” I asked with a mouthful of food. They all began laughing at me. 

“It’s funny because we have never seen a girl into football before” Niall said, between laughs. I just stared at him before jumping on him and tickling him in the sides, he was doubling over in laughter begging me to stop tickling him. 

Harry lifted me up off of him and threw me onto the couch, and I landed in Liam’s lap. The thing I didn’t do was get up. When I realised I was getting off quicker “Sorry!” I shouted, running up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door shut. 

I was embarrassed, but when someone knocked on my door, I didn’t want to open it. I just sat on the bed with my head smashed into the pillow. “Nicky?” I heard someone say, they opened the door. I looked up to see Louis; he sat down on the end of my bed. 

“Yes?” I asked, turning around and crossing my legs. 

“What’s wrong sweetie?” he asked, looking at me. 

“I have a huge crush on Harry, bit I think I like Liam too…” 

“Well, I know Harry likes you. He told me” 

“Really…?” I could feel tears welling in my eyes. 

“Yes, he said since you guys kissed in the closet, he’s like you” 

“He told you that?” I blushed. 

“Yes, when you’re not looking he will stare at you which, I must say is really quite cute. But that’s just my opinion. He told me he really, really likes you Nippy” 

“But we only met today, why don’t I wait and see over the next couple of days?” 

“Good idea, but I know you like him, and he likes you Nippy” 

“I believe you on that, I mean, he did ask to kiss me in the closet.” 

“Talk to him Nippy, or at least, tell him how you feel” 

“I’ll try Louie, thanks” I hugged him tightly. 

“No worries come on. You’re missing out of the footy, it’s almost over.” I got up grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the stairs. “Oh my gosh! How could they lose?!” I sighed, falling onto the floor. 

“Nicky, do you think we could talk?” I heard Harry say, I sat up and stared at him. 


I replied, hesitant. 

Shit, what was going to happen? 

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