My Date With Harry Styles... Was Crashed By Liam Payne?

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 Harry’s P.O.V

She walked over to me and we walked out into the backyard, luckily there was no real grass, it was all synthetic so we could go barefoot if we wanted to. “What did you wanna talk about?” She asked, collapsing down on the grass. 

“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me.” I said, blushing. She stood up, looking at me with a slight excitement in her eyes. 

“You know I have always wanted to go on a date with my celebrity crush?” she replied, I laughed. 


“Yes, really. You dork! It is every girl’s dream to go on a date with her celebrity crush!” 

“You have a celebrity crush on me?” I asked with a smile. Her cheeks went red and she looked down at her fingernails. 

“How many times did I say that aloud?” 


“Okay, I’ll admit it Harry Edward Styles. I have had a crush on you since 2010, ever since One Direction was a band. I know when you were born, I know you have a cat named Dusty, and I love you—I mean;  I love your work!” she blabbed, I knew she said I love you but I was going to not mention that. 

“Get ready!” I replied. 

“For what?” 

“We’re going to the water park, so put on a bathing suit!” 

“Okay!” she shouted, running off, up the stairs and into her room. 

Nicky’s P.O.V 

When I got into my room and looked around me, my clothes were piled high in different corners, I had to find my bathing suit, it was pink and grey, and a bikini, so hopefully Harry didn’t mind seeing me in a bikini, I hoped. 

I put a white tee-shirt on over the top and some denim shorts. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and jumped down the stairs like a rabbit. 

“Ready?” I said, looking over at Harry who was sitting on the couch in his boardies and a grey tee-shirt. He nodded and grabbed his keys off the counter and running out the door, screaming goodbye to the boys, I followed closely behind him. 

“You know, you could have waited for me!” I said, hopping into the passenger’s seat.  He chuckled “Sorry, I had to get the car running.” 

I shook my head and smiled. “Sure you were big boy” I winked. 

He smiled, started the car and backed out of the driveway, heading toward the water park. 

Liam’s P.O.V

I grabbed my house key and ran out the door, Louis followed me. “Oi! Liam, where are you going?” he asked, grabbing onto my arm and turning me around to face him. “I am going, for a run!” I stated, closing my eyes for a second. He looked at me funny. 

“You’re going for a run, in jeans?” he replied, looking down at me pants. I nodded, pulling my arm away from Louis’ grip and running down the driveway. I was meeting someone at the pier down the road; I had some business we needed to discuss. 

* * *

I got there to discover her sitting on a chair close to the water, I ran over and sat next to her. “Do you have what I need?” she asked, still looking out at the water. I handed her the envelope, she looked inside to see the contents and nodded. “I am only going to say this once, and once only. You will only hold my hand for five minutes at a time; if you try any move on me I will hit you. Got that?” she looked at me and I nodded. 

“Why do you want to crash this girl’s date with one of your best friend’s anyway?” she asked, patting her bottom lip. 

“Because, Chloe, I love her” I replied, getting up and walking away, not looking back.

Nicky’s P.O.V (A/N: It will stay Nicky’s P.O.V for a little while.)  

We arrived at the water park, Harry payed for the tickets and we got water-proof stamps on our hands. I took off my shirt and denim shorts, revealing my bikini. Harry stared for a moment, so I hit him in the arm. “I warned you not to stare!” I said, he looked at me with a puzzled face. “When?” 

“Just now!” she replied, poking her tongue out. 

“Come on; let’s go on the tube slide!” Harry yelled, grabbing my hand. We began running when we ran into a couple walking our way. Harry and I had fallen over, I sighed, holding my head. “I’m so sorr…” I stopped, when I saw who it was I gasped. “Liam?” I was puzzled. “What are you doing at the water park?” 

“Yeah, Liam, you hate water parks” Harry added in. 

“Well, Nicky and Harry, I am here because I am here with Chloe” he said, grabbing the blonde’s hand and smiling. “Can we join you?” 

Harry looked at me, with a sad face. “Um, Harry and I are kind of on a date Liam” 

“A DATE?!” He replied, looking surprised. 

“Yes, a date Liam. You knew that” Harry said, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “Why the hells are you even here anyway?” 

“It was coincidental?” he questioned himself. 

“Uh, don’t worry about it. Let’s just go Harry” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him past Liam and the blonde. Harry looked pissed, when we were further away from Liam and his date, I stopped him. “What’s wrong?” I asked, looking up at him. 

“He knew we were going on a date, he knew it!” he said, angrily. 

“Calm down Harry, okay?” 

“But I’m angry Nicky; he is doing this to piss me off!” 

“Why would he do that?”

“Don’t worry” 

“Alright, tell me later. Come on, you still owe me a date” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. The anger in his face softened, and we ran over to the tube slides. Waiting in separate lines, I kept on telling him I would beat him to the bottom, and sure enough, I did. 

“Ha!” I yelled, wiping my wet hair from my eyes. “I win, you owe me a cookie!” I poked him in the chest, he laughed. “A cookie?” 

“Yes, I freaking love cookies!” 

“I can tell” he replied, laughing at me. 

“Let’s go, I wanna go on the thing with the boat thing” Harry smiled. 

“It’s called paddle boat.” She blushed, “That’s what I meant” 


We were putting our clothes back on when Harry checked his phone, and yet again looked pissed. “What’s wrong now?” I asked, sitting in the seat next to him. 

“Look what Liam put on Twitter” he replied, showing me the picture of Liam and Chloe, kissing. “I don’t get WHAT he is doing” I sighed, pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. 

“I know…” Harry said, looking at me. 


“He is trying to steal you from me” 


“But we aren’t even dating...” 

“Well, he knows I like you Nicky” 

Another shock. 

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