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𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
lowercase intended.

long locks of red hair, bright and brown doe eyes with glossed over plump lips. that would be the basic visual description of kim jiwoo by an average classmate, someone who didn't know her. at least, didn't know her the way jungeun knew her.

they wouldn't know the reason her hair was that shocking but suitably fitting crimson red color was because jiwoo had picked up the wrong box of hair dye. they wouldn't know how hard she cried when she realized it was permanent. how she and jungeun spent five hours over her bathroom sink trying to get rid of the pigment so firmly stained into the girl's roots. they wouldn't know how devastated jiwoo had been.

they didn't know that jungeun spent three days convincing jiwoo she didn't look like ronald mcdonald at all, and that on the fourth day in solitary confinement the blonde haired girl had to drag jiwoo into their classroom.

but what jungeun didn't know was that jiwoo had only attempted to pick up temporary hair dye to follow in suit of jungeun dyeing her hair blonde in stark contrast to its previous black. the female didn't know how much jiwoo had admired her back then, how her adorable friend wanted to be just like her.

they didn't know that when jiwoo realized she had even the slightest interest in girls she didn't tell anyone for two whole years. but jungeun had known, she always knew when it came to jiwoo. because they were best friends. but no matter how many times they were asked if they themselves were a couple, it was always the same reply.

they were only friends.

jiwoo had a girlfriend, jiwoo has a girlfriend. "girlfriend you idiot, you absolute idiot. jiwoo doesn't want you, she might love you. but god she'll never be in love with you." the blonde beauty whispered to her reflection. dark stains of mascara infused tears running down her tainted cheeks, voice cracking as the words left her lips.

why did she have to fall for jiwoo of all people?
ha sooyoung. god, against her jungeun stood no chance. they were so happy, jiwoo and sooyoung. and jungeun knew she could never break them up. ever.

so why did she feel so bad for what she had done?

𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
not proofread.

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