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𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
lowercase intended.

sometimes jungeun wondered why she had fallen for jiwoo. "what do you mean you've been dating her for a month?" an exasperated sigh withdrew from the strawberry haired girl bedside her. "a month is practically a year in gay relationships jung! who is she? when can i meet her? what's she like?" question by question jungeun's jiwoo tolerance level seemed to obliterate.

"come on babe, give her a break."

babe. the way the word rolled off of sooyoung's tongue made jungeun want to vomit. it sounded so natural, so fitting— like it was meant to be said by sooyoung and sooyoung only. and to jiwoo of all people. "i honestly never thought you'd get a girlfriend." hyunjin blandly added into the silence that ensued as jiwoo eyes bore into jungeun's distasteful glance. "hyunjin." the sharp whisper heejin let fall from her lips only made the awkwardness of it all more apparent.

it shouldn't have been an awkward situation. jiwoo shouldn't have looked so uncomfortable when jinsoul appeared with a bubbly smile. arms looping around jungeun's neck as she planted a kiss on her lips. and the blonde? she definitely shouldn't have to had forced herself to smile back.

the pair had both gone down the healthier hair route and quit the bleaching of their locks. jungeun now simply sported brown hair, and jinsoul had gone back to her original black. sooyoung gasped, something that irked jungeun for no reason other than the fact that sooyoung too had the ability to breath, and punched jinsoul's arm. "you've been dating her this whole time and i didn't know? aren't they cute jiwoo, my best friend and yours hitting the love shack." the raven haired girl went on to say, and jiwoo laughed that perfect laugh of hers and nodded in agreement.

jungeun never noticed the way jinsoul tensed up watching the pair. she was probably too tensed up herself.

"hey, jungie?" jiwoo's voice came out and the brown eyed girl looked up and drew her attention away from her picked over food. "you know how my family does that thing every year, the trip, they were wondering if you'd come this year too?" she questioned, and jungeun only groaned. the last trip was camping in the mountains and it was terrible, so terrible, she almost immediately refused jiwoo's request.

but the memory of how jiwoo looked at her with such love in her every time jungeun breathed rushed and punched her in the head. the eyes that peeked up at her when they went stargazing and how jiwoo cuddled closer to her in their shared tent. the thought of when jungeun finally made them a fire and jiwoo kissed her. on the cheek, irrelevant but a fact. the punch had probably given her a concussion because the brunette found herself nodding.

sooyoung only watched as jiwoo flung herself over the table to pull her best friend into a hug, jungeun trying to pretend like she hated the affection and attention. jinsoul hardly took notice, her gaze on solely trained sooyoung. "what about me? is there room for one more?" sooyoung spoke up and jiwoo looked back at her. jungeun suddenly remembered the bat she carried in her bag from softball practice and decided hitting sooyoung would be worth it.

"actually it's kind of just a jiwoo-jungeun tradition, as my parents put it. i'm sure we can go on a trip some other time though!"

jungeun found out she liked the way their names sounded together that day. jiwoo did too.

𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
not proofread.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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